22. Going back

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"Okay so you wanna know his past..then listen ..."

Their conversation got interrupted by ringing of yibo's phone. Frowning, yibo picked up the call and answered in a cold voice "speak"

"Mn.. no I can't, I am out of town"

"Aish..Okay I will try to.."


Yibo seemed disappointed and angry. Turning towards Cheng he waited for him to speak when ziyi out of nowhere came and hugged Cheng while crying. She was embracing him so tightly that Cheng found it difficult to speak or breath. Sighing, yibo left to give some alone time to the couple.

'I think it's not time yibo. You will eventually know everything one day, and at that moment i hope you both fight it out together and don't take any rational decisions.' he sighed and hugged ziyi back. Stroking her back he kissed her lips when she calmed down.

"I am sorry. I won't be be impulsive from now on" she apologized sincerely. Jiyang cheng hummed before taking her for a walk.

On the other hand yibo went straight towards their hotel room and found zhan peering out of the window with a cup of coffee in his hands. He proximated towards him and embraced him from the back while sniffing his neck. Xiao Zhan flinched when someone hugged him suddenly but smiled when the sweet scent of yibo's cologne filled his nostrils.

"Let's go bobo. You didn't have your breakfast yet" he whispered softly and tilted his neck to let yibo sniff and kiss his neck properly.

"Baby, I need to go back".

Zhan felt a pang in his heart when he heard yibo. They just came last night and he need to go back the next morning. "Why" he whimpered and kept the cup on a nearby table.

"Baby that's.. my secretary called. My grandpa is coming and called me back immediately. That oldie is quite strict and I can't ignore his orders."

"No you are not going anywhere. Tell him you will come after three days, please." He clutched yibo's sweater and pleaded with teary eyes.

"Baby I am sorry, please try to understand. He comes back once in a year just to leave again in few days, I need to go" Yibo cupped his cheeks and placed his lips over zhan's for few seconds.

"Then take me with you" he whined and tightened his clutch

"Baby why? Just stay and enjoy, I will wait for you hm!"

"No either take me with you or don't go, please. What will i do among these couples. Bobo don't leave your boyfriend alone in here, don't let him become a third wheel" he hugged yibo and requested him in cracked voice. Yibo's heart softened at his words and he stroked his head lovingly while chuckling.

"Hao I will take my boyfriend with me. After all, my zhanzhan is my responsibility" he pulled back and engaged his lips again in a kiss. Their lips moved in a rythm and zhan giggled in between. "Pack up baby. My car will be here soon"

"Bobo let me order breakfast for you first. Then, i will pack up and inform brother"



In the car:-

Yibo and zhan were cuddling in the backseat. Yibo's secretary, Jenny was sitting in the passenger seat while the driver was driving back towards wang mansion.

"Baby, wanna meet my family?"

"Huh yes, I would love to. But what if they don't like me?"

Yibo chuckled and kissed his forehead "They would love you... but I don't know how would they react of me loving a boy" he said the last line inside his head and licked zhan's earlobe to forget about everything else.

Zhan shuddered and pinched yibo's waist "what are you doing? Your secretary is watching!!" He whispered yelled and tried to come out of yibo's tight clutch. Glaring at Jenny to warn her, yibo smiled when zhan looked at him sharply.

"Now no one's watching baby. So let me.." he said and placed sloppy kisses on zhan's neck ascending up to his jaw. Zhan hissed as yibo teased him like this all the way back. Sometimes sneaking his hands under his sweater, stealing pecks from his lips, licking and sucking his sensitive points , it was so difficult for zhan to endure the silent torture.

Jenny, while sitting on the front seat was typing throughout the journey , updating their every movement to someone.

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