17. My nameless feelings..

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Zhan's pov:-

'Today is a beautiful day. I hope this new day brings happiness and satisfaction to me.' With this thought i went happily to the college. I thought today I would get what I was craving for but never guessed that this day would prove to be an awful and a lousy one. When my classes were over I headed towards business department to meet yibo. I was sitting on a bench waiting for yibo when someone tapped me on my shoulders. I thought it must be yibo, because I had already texted him that I will be waiting here. I turned back but I trembled in fear when I saw who it was.

"Alec what are you doing here?" I tried to sound as haughty as possible. I can't let him see my fear.

"Ahh kitty can I have a talk with you?" He smiled and sat beside me.

"What do you want to talk about Alec. For whatever you tried to do that day, if I could kill you hundered times then also it would be less for a jerk like you." I whisper yelled and my fingers curled tightly in anger turning my knuckles white.

"See kitty I know what I did was wrong. I tried to do it without your consent but you are too sexy to resist. But whatever it is, i just wanted to say sorry."

"My name is not kitty you jerk and get lost"

"Aiyya I don't know your name that's why called you a kitty. Okay I will leave now, I have a class by the way."

He rubbed my fists while smiling towards me. I glared sharply and yanked his hand away. "You are really a fierce kitty."

"And I am a dangerous lion who is in the killing mood today. If you don't wanna be my prey then get lost!" A deep voice which of course belonged to yibo interjected in between bringing tremors to alec and he abruptly stood up. Yibo sat beside me and gave me a wide smile. 'Thump Thump Thump' my heart twitched and my eyes fluttered when he smiled like that. He was looking too hot with his creamy skin exposed to sun's warmth. I was about to drool but Alec intervened my daydream. "Err I was just saying sorry"

"Get lost" his smile turned into a sour expression, and he gnashed his teeth together. Sweats of fear appeared on alec's face and he bowed before running away.

Again, he turned towards me and i was waiting for what I was craving. Instead of giving me what I wanted he rather grilled "Did he hurt you?"

"No i am okay"

"You wanted to meet! Want to tell me something?"

"Yibo i just missed you"

"You didn't miss me when you rejected me on the face last night" a couple came fighting near us and my eyes got teary when the boy's words fit right into our conversation. That was the point my conscience kicked in and I felt that I was using yibo. I was using his love, his care and i ofcourse don't deserve him. I held my tears back and stood up to run away. He gripped my wrists and hugged me from the back. "What happened baby? Don't run away!" My legs were glued to the floor, and i let my selfish heart take the control..once more. I waited for his touch, his forehead kiss which never came.

"Zhan, yibo!!" Our friends too came and waved at us.

"Its good that you both are here. Finally our classes are over now!!" Mingmei exclaimed while catching her breath.

"Guys let's go home to pack our stuffs for the trip. You all remember it right?" Xuan ge shouted in excitement.

"Yes, yes let's go!" Everyone started leaving and I looked at yibo before following Cheng ge.

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