39. Towards a new day

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(This is author's favourite song too)

'I will try to hold on even if you push me again and again. Darling, I promise not to forget you till the last breath I have'...

Xiao Zhan confessed everything and wooseok submitted every little evidence they had. Li Xian gave his statement but it was not much accepted due to his small age. Meanwhile, Alec was also arrested and he accepted his crime of kidnapping li xian as xiao zhan had recorded the phone call which he had recieved earlier about threatening him and Wang yibo to come at that abandoned place.

But Alec didn't accept the accusation of forcing zhan to kill yibo. Instead he kept quiet about that matter and denied it everytime. He and his gang members were sentenced for seven years plus they need to attend rehabilitation therapy.

Wang yibo was still under a critical condition so doctors strictly didn't allow any questionaire from him.

Wangs and jiangs tried to help xiao zhan in all way possible. Even his friends gave testimony for their relationship giving an evidence to prove him innocent. Thankfully, nothing was found against him too so he was just charged with fine and a year cancellation of his lawyer's licence stating that he can't practice law for a whole year. Though he was proved not guilty, but because as a lawyer he was involved in a criminal event, his licence got cancel for a year.

When xiao zhan won the case, everyone congratulated him and hugged him. Everyone helped him to prove his innocence and he couldn't ask for more. He realised that he was not alone and all the people surrounding were his own people, who were ready to stand for him anytime.

Zhan was happy but a part of him was empty, because he still blamed himself for shooting yibo. If he was little alarmed and alerted, he could have prevented such mishap.

Seungyoun, wooseok and Jacob went back to their countries bidding their goodbyes to everyone. Xiao zhan remember how he cried like a baby hugging wooseok and Jacob while they were leaving. But they all promised him to call and text him daily.

Xiao Zhan was not allowed to see yibo and he decided to give him time to recover from every trauma and wound. He decided to tour as many places as he could for a whole year. He craved a break! He needed one! He wanted to calm his frustrated and tired mind and get a little motivation to go on. No one stopped him, rather they supported him and let him be.

3 years later

Small footsteps were heard in the passageway at the top floor of the large, tall building as a man in his late 20s took a deep breath before knocking at the CEO's door.

His eyes widened, almost double the size of normal and he wiped the sweat over his forehead when he heard angry voice of the CEO. He decided to listen to the conversation before knocking.

"Where is Lawyer Xiao? Why isn't he here yet? Jenny? How can you be so careless..you know right, I want to seal this deal at any cost."

"Yes..sir..he must be on his way" Jenny tried to make her boss understand but he was just not listening to anything.

"May I come in sir?" Xiao zhan cleared his throat and gushed in his excited voice and rushed inside when he heard a 'mn'.

He ran towards the CEO and put all the files over the table. He tried to force a smile but put his palm over the boss's lips when he was about to get scolded.

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