28. The real culprit

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Xiao zhan was lying on his bed lazily and tiredly when a knock at his door startled him. Sitting on the bed, his heart skipped a beat when found Jiang fengmian approaching him. He looked down and played with the hem of his tee.

"I am sorry son. I shouldn't have behaved like that" sitting beside him he tried to caress his hairs but zhan's body shuddered when he touched his head.

"N-no it's f-fine dadda!"

"Are you afraid of me now? Son i was scared for you but my way scared you instead" his voice sounded miserable as he was guilty of his deeds.

"It's fine dadda" Xiao zhan felt relaxed and he smiled slightly.

"So you love him?"


"I asked you do you love wang yibo?"

"I-I n-no" zhan stuttered and bit his lower lip to prevent himself from saying truth.

"Oh you don't love him? Okay then I will go.."

"I do. I love him a lot dadda but.."

"It's okay son. I understand and I am thankful to him that he melted this frozen heart of yours. Don't worry, give him time, give yourself some time and i am sure that everything will fall back in place" Zhang jing gushed while entering his room and hugged him tightly while smiling lovingly. Jiang fengmian chuckled and xiao zhan smiled before nodding.

"But do you have no problem with what his family did.."

"Zhanzhan what matters is that what type of person he is rather than what his family did. I heard that he is the one who brought this matter again to bring justice to you. Isn't it enough to know how much he loves you?" Mr Jiang uttered and patted xiao zhan's back. Zhan smiled with teary eyes before hugging his parents tightly.

"B-but I need some time dadda. It won't be easy to go back. Though it's true that I love him, but I need some time."

"Take as much time as you want. No one will force you, we are okay with whatever decision you gonna take" their conversation got interrupted by a message from Wang yibo asking them to come to Wangs mansion as soon as possible for the truth was going to be revealed today.

About an hour later, Xiao Zhan along with his parents reached at the wangs mansion. Wang yibo smiled at them and welcomed them inside. Everyone, except yibo's grandpa was shocked to see them there. Yibo silently counted to three before clapping his hands to gain everyone's attention.

"Today I am going to tell you a very interesting story. We all know about what had happened in the past but still we don't know everything." He chuckled and made his way towards his mother, Carman lee.

"Mom! Isn't it was too difficult for you to see your own husband crying over his unrequited love? To know everything but couldn't be able to do anything? You must have so felt so bad!!" Yibo stated and hugged carman tightly.

"Yibo son.."

"Yes you felt so bad that you calculated everything very accurately and planned accordingly right?" Everyone gasped at yibo's statement including xiao zhan. He staggered but supported himself against the wall.

"Wh-what?" Carman lee stuttered and shivered visibly.

"Yes! You were the one who drugged zhan's father and you were the only one who clicked those pictures isn't it, with your once junior after offering her a good amount of money ? Not only that but when you got to know about xiao lin gathering evidences against you, you yourself sent that girl to him so that she could inform you about his every step. And...on the day when he was going to file a case against you, what you did was texting grandpa's lawyer with his phone and ordering him to kill both of them in an accident isn't it?" Yibo blazed in his deep voice and gritted his teeth in anger and pushed her slightly away from his embrace. He clenched his fists and looked at her with a disgusted and angry gaze.

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