Chapter 4

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I pack my stuff and get my dogs. While we were passing by the kitchen my dogs started barking. We left and left our dogs at a friend's house so they could be safe. I and Ath were driving, but then suddenly a woman in white appeared on the freeway and made me turn the car making us crash into a tree. I open my eyes a bit and see Ath her eyes were closed. I look to my window and see the same woman. She looked familiar I looked at her closely and she WAS MY CAUSENT'S WIFE!


"Protect my little ones, please."


"Take care of my children. Let them know that their mom loves and will always be there for them."

At that moment I close my eyes. I then hear some sirens and voices. I remember hearing some faint cries. I remember hearing Aths cries.


I wake up and look around my bedroom. I go to Ath's bedroom only to see her sleeping. I go to see my dogs and they are happily sleeping in the kitchen in their beds. I go back to bed wondering what the fuck I was dreaming. I go back to bed still wondering why I saw Selena in my dreams.

**Next Morning**

I wake up and see Ath cooking my dogs still sleeping.

"About time you woke up."

"Sorry. Last night I had a horrible nightmare."


We ate breakfast got changed and went to work. We got some coffee and started the day of by doing some check-ups and going through some documents. I was still wondering why I dreamed that? I was filing some papers when I got a text. It was Slender. He told me to meet him outside the hospital. I went outside and was waiting for him on a bench just drinking coffee and going through some patients. A man came up to me. He had black hair white skin and white eyes he had a suit on.

"Hi, (Y, n)."

"Um hi do I know you?"

"It's me Slender."


"Yeah, I'm in my human form."

"I see."

He settled next to me and we started talking. He was talking to me about his brothers and the mansion.

"Y,n) are you okay?"


"I am noticing you are a bit off."

"It's just about a nightmare that I had."

"Do you want to talk about it?"


I explained everything to him and he was a bit worried.

"Try not to think such things (Y, n)."

"That's the things. I don't know why I was dreaming about that when it didn't even come to my mind."

"I guess we'll never know."


"Thanks for coming. You brought my cheers up."

"No problem."

You look down at your watch and see your break is over.

"I need to get back to work."

"Ok, bye. See you on Saturday."

"Bye. See you."

You get back to work and man was it a long day. You stayed for 3 days with no sleeping.

Boss: "(Y,n), go home and get some rest."

"Ok, thanks."

I got home took a shower and went to bed. I then took my dogs for a walk when I got back home I got a phone call.

???: "Hi, is this (Y,n)?"

"Yeah by the way who is this?"

???: "I'm Alex Johnson from L.A's police department. I have some unfortunate news, miss."


Alex Johnson: "A few days ago your cousin and his wife were found dead in an ally."

"What? When?"

Alex Johnson: "They were found dead by some bikers and we still don't know how long. I'm deeply sorry."

"Ok *sobbing* do I have to do something?"

Alex Johnson: "Yes, that's the reason why I called you."

Alex Johnson: "If anything unfortunate got to happen to them they left the care of their two kids to you. So you have to come and pick them up."

"O-Ok when."

Alex Johnson: "On Saturday."

"I will try."

Alex Johnson: "Ok bye miss."


I break down and can't believe what happened that's when I remembered my dream,! Selena came to me asking me to protect the kids. I remember Slender. I text him


- Slender, I'm very sorry but unfortunately, we won't be able to see each other a something came up. I have to go to California. I'm very deeply sorry.

-Don't worry it's fine. I understand.

I went to my bedroom and leave my phone on the counter I start packing my bags and decide to book a flight.

**Athena p.o.v**

I was on my way home when Slender called I answered the phone and put it on speaker.

"Hey, Slender how are you doing?"

"I'm doing good. By the way, do you need me to watch your dogs?"

"No. Why?"

"(Y,n), told me she was gonna got to California and I thought you were gonna go with her so I thought I would take care of your girls' dogs."

"Wait she's gonna go to California? And when?"

"You don't know?!"


"She texted me to cancel the date and said she was gonna go on Saturday."



He hangs up and I drove faster. I get home and see her phone on the counter. I go through her phone and see a phone call. It's named "Alex Johnson". She comes out of her bedroom with suitcases. I glare at her

**(Y/N) p.o.v**

I come out of my bedroom with my suitcases, see Athena with my phone, and glare at me.


"Why the fuck would you do that to Slender?!"


"Don't act stupid! If you didn't want to go out with him you could have just told him!"

"What are you talking about?!"

"Who the fuck is this "Alex Johnson"?"

"I can explain."

"No fuck you! Go to California however you and I are no longer friends. Hooker!"

I cry get my phone and get to my car. Why would she think such things about me? I get on my plane and head to L.A. I look at my phone and Ath and the guys block me and unfriend me. I can't believe they would think such things about me. I hope they are at least happy with their decision.

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