Chapter 21

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Today was the day! Today I'm going to marry Slender! I literally woke up feeling nervous and scared. I was getting my hair and makeup ready and I swore! I was so nervous I felt I was gonna vomit (not pregnant) I was getting my hair ready and Ath needed some help to put her dress on. I helped her and the girls were getting their hair and make-up ready too.

Ath: "So how are you feeling?"

"To be honest nervous, scared, and excited!"

Cl: "I'm so happy for you, (Y, n)."

"Thank you. And um Nina can you check if the girls have their dress's on?"

N: "Yes."

"Hey, Jane what do you think of your dress?"

J: "I honestly love it! It's very comfortable and also it looks amazing on all of us!"

Ath: "I agree with her!"

"I'm glad you girls feel amazing in the dresses."

My make-up and hair are done and then I put the dress on. We get the final touches ready and just finish a few things. And not to mention Athena! She was running around looking for all the stuff!


"Ath calm down it's in the vanity."

Ath: "Oh, right."

N: "Girl you have to calm down."

J: "I agree with Nina."

"Same here."

Ath: "Ok! Enough about me today (Y, n) is getting married!"

Before I walk down I put on my mom's pendant. When I have it on it feels as if her presence is with me. How much do I wish she were here with me. Trender walks me down the aisle since my father wasn't there.

Priest: "ETC...... Slender"

Sl: "I Slender, take you, (Y, n) to be my lawfully wedded wife to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."

Priest: " (Y, n)."

"I (Y, n), take you, Slender to be my lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."

Priest: "In that case, I pronounce you husband and wife."

Slender and I kiss and everyone celebrates. The reception was amazing! Everyone had fun and enjoyed it! Eventually when we went on our honeymoon and Slender didn't hold back!



Slender threw you in bed and quickly took your dress off leaving you with your lingerie. He started taking all his clothes off and started taking action. He took your lingerie off and started licking and playing with your pussy. As soon as he started you started moaning which turned your husband on. You starting begging him to continue and he does. You eventually cum and he starts licking all your juices clean. You guys couldn't stop leaving love marks and love bites on one another. He starts positioning himself in front of your entrance and thrusts. Each time your husband thrusts you both feel so much heat that you both start sweating. Each time he thrusts he makes you both feel pleasure, heat, and love. He grabs one of your legs and puts it on his shoulder to hit your spot. By this point, you didn't even care if any of the hotel staff hear you two. He grabs onto the headboard and holds it so hard that he breaks it! He hits your spot one last time making you release your juices again and making him fill you up with his seed. He pulls his member out and as he does so some spills and gets the sheets dirty. You two being so tired after that amazing time together! Decide to just cover yourselves with a blanket and go to sleep. Slender holding you in his arms and you cuddling in his arms. And hearing three simple words that brought you a smile. The words 'I love you'. You two go to sleep and he might've woken up to keep on ravaging his wife!

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