Chapter 8

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We unpack our stuff and start moving things. I see a door under the door. I unlock it and see that's a basement I go down there and see paintings, furniture, and jewelry. I leave and feel a weird and bad feeling. I go outside and see the girls playing. Then a car comes up Tom comes out and carries some bags.

"(Y, N)!!!!"

"Hi, Tom."

"Hi and also hi girls."

"Hi, Tom."

He hugs them and he then comes to me. He hugs me and starts crying.


"*sobbing* I'm just happy you're back."

"Oh, Tom."

You hug him back.

"Can I hold a trophy?"




You all go inside and eat and also play some games. He brought the girls some clothing, toys, and even books. As for me, he bought me a bag, clothing, and my fav thing a gift card."

You all take a selfie.

"Bye, Tom."

"Bye, (Y, n). See you at work tomorrow."

You wave back. And go back in.

**Athena p.o.v**

I was gonna meet with Tom so we could discuss work. He got there looking happy as fuck.

"Why are you so happy?"


We discuss work and about the past.

"So, Tom any news about (Y, n)."

"Nope, sorry."


"I gotta go to the restroom, excuse me."

"Don't worry."

He leaves his phone and I hear a notification. I check it and unlock his phone that's when I see a message from (Y, n). I looked at the messages and then go to his album I then see a photo that was taken today! Tom comes back and sees me with his phone.

"How long?"

"She came in today."


"She wanted it to be a surprise you."



I get out and go to her address I get there and take a photo I then text Slender.

-Hey come to this address ******.


-Just come.




I was bout to leave but then felt a terrible presence. I go home and sleep.

**Next day Y/n p.o.v**

I get ready and take the girls to school. I then go to work I go get some coffee and start working on patients. I am currently working on a 5-year-old boy with lung problems.

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