Chapter 25

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**You're 8 months pregnant**

I was in the on-call room just laying in bed and trying to get some sleep when my pager goes off. I go to my patient who feels pain. I check on her and she goes to surgery. Once finished with the surgery I go to the cafeteria and eat with Ath.

Ath: "Wow, it looks like if you're about to pop!"

"I know. In a few weeks, I'm due."

Ath: "How are you both holding up?"

"Well the baby won't stop kicking and I'm pretty much being a mean bitch to the interns."

Ath: "Don't worry it's just the hormones."

"Thanks for not making me feel so terrible."

Ath: "No problem."

I was eating and then got a text from Trender.



-How much did you make?!

-A lot.

-How much?!

- Enough to fill a Kardashian closet

-Leave it in some boxes I'll make some space when I get home.


"Thank god I'm done with work."

Ath: "What happened?"

"Trender made a wardrobe disaster for the baby."

Ath: "Should have known."


Offender, Splendor and the girls were helping Trender and me with the nursery when I felt water drip my legs and get this no one noticed.

"Girls get the phone and can you three get the car ready."

Spl: "Why?"

"The baby wants to come early."

Off: "WHAT?! NOW?!"

"No. In a week. Of course now!"

"Here let me help."

Trender gave me his arm and we called Ath and man was she fast. She took me to the hospital and the guys stayed to take care of the girls. There are no words to describe the pain. Slender comes and goes to comfort me.

"How long has it been?"

"2 hours."

"Slender, it hurts."

"Shhh, don't worry love."

My O/B comes in and gets things ready.



"Okay good one a few more pushes and you're gonna be holding your baby."

"Slender I can't it hurts."

"You can do it. Don't worry the pain will soon fade away."




"You're so dead Slender I'm going to kill you after this."

"Why me?"

"You fucking did this to me!"

He stares at Ath which she just takes a few steps back.

Eventually, after hours of pushing the baby comes out, and as soon as the baby comes out they place him on my chest. He had his father's skin and tentacles. He had my eye color and hair color. My child stops crying as soon as he lays on my chest. Slender kisses his forehead and Ath admires him.

" You're just as handsome as your daddy."

"You think?"


He kisses my forehead and touches our son's little cheeks.

"I'm going to call the others to inform them."

"Okay, and remind them they will need to wait till they both get discharged."

"Oh I will or else it will be a circus."

Her statement makes us laugh and she leaves our son starts wiping his eyes.

"You have your mother's eyes."

"He's so cute."

"For sure."

"So about the name."

"I thought you wanted another one."

"But I like yours."

"So you want to name our son Jr?"



"You can wait for the second one."

"In that case welcome to the world Jr."

Spl: "He's so cute."

Tr: "He looks so much like Slender."

Off: "Oh yeah."

"Don't start making fun of my son."


Ann: "Mommy he's so small."

Ana: "Is he suppose to be so small?"


Off: "Imagine father's reaction when he sees the little one."

"I don't even want to imagine."


"Our father let's just say he's not very..."

Spl: "Paternal."

"Same here with my dad. Girls go to bed it's late."

The girls go to bed and everyone else goes to sleep. As for me and Slender, we put Jr to sleep.

"Sing him a lullaby."

"Who me?"

"No my dead mother. Of course you."

"I don't know any."

"In that case, I will. Now let's see."


Let me sing a lullaby
As you close your eyes
And as you're drifting off to sleep
How I hope that the dreams that you find
Are bright

Love, can we meet again soon in the bluest of skies?
Where a tomorrow waits for you and I
So hold me tight one more time, but don't kiss me goodbye
'Cause I know that I'll see you on the other side

I will think of our song when the nights are too long
I'll dream of you for that's where I belong
Love, can we meet again soon in the bluest of skies
Only, in my dreams, do we meet again

Jr soon closes his eyes and we lay him on his crib.

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