Chapter 7

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It's been 5 years since I left and that I have lived in San Diego. Annie is now 10 years old and Anastasia is 5. I am moving back due to the fact that I want the girls to see how it is over there. Plus, my dad found out where we are living. Also, the creature that was following me turns out that was my familiar that my mom left before her death. That creature was following me and looking after me my whole life. It appeared to me since I was going through a rough time. It also protects the girls whenever they are not on my watch. I tell my old boss about my decision and he happily accepted me back. I was packing my stuff when I got a call from Tom.


"*chuckle* What do you want Tom?"

"Thank god you're coming back."

"I know."

"You know why I'm happy?"


"We are having a surgeon that has been nominated three times to the best medical award and had won 2 times. And also cause my friend is coming back."

"WOW! You care more about the awards."

"I want to see and hold them."

"*giggle* I see."

"Ath misses you."


"Yeah, she and her friends are always talking about you. And they miss you."

"How is Ath?"

"She's just fine."

"Has she had a boyfriend~"

"Hahaha nope."

"Well, gotta go. I have to check on a patient and see you."

"Ok, bye."

"Bye girrl."

I hang up and continue packing our stuff. The girls are playing around with the dogs and my familiar who took the form of an owl. I go outside and call for the girls.



While packing my familiar started helping and putting things in their boxes.

"Thanks, Dong."

It waved at me as a 'you welcome'. We go to bed and wait for the next morning to head to the airport.

**Next morning**

I wake up make breakfast and get everything ready.

"Annie Anastasia, did you two pack everything?"

They both nod.

"Ok then before we leave let's go to STARBUCKS!!"


I get them some frappes and I get a latte. We head to the airport and get on our plane. Annie was asleep and Anastasia and I were playing Uno. We eventually landed after a long flight.

"Annie sweetheart wake up."

"*yawns* Are we here mommy?"

"Yes, baby."

"Come on girls we have to get going."

They get up and you get off the plane your familiar is by your side (spirit form). We get in a taxi and we head to our new place. My friend got us this place to stay until we find a nice house. The house was build in the 1800s in which was pretty old. I get some shivers and terrible feelings we head in and everything looks nice my familiar seems alarmed and my dogs' bark. We get in and unpack. I think this house might be the worst choice in my whole life.

 I think this house might be the worst choice in my whole life

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This is your new place.

Sorry, it's too short :(

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