Chapter 10

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He lays next to me. He looks at your eyes and you look at his (?). You both get closer to each other your lips so close to one another.

"(Y, n)."

"Yes, Slender?"

"I love you. I have loved you ever since we first met."

"I love you too, Slender."

You and he finally kiss. His warm soft lips on your felt so good. His arms around your waist. His body was so warm. You wanted more of him he too. But you both stopped to get some air.

"Maybe we should wait."

"I agree."

You and he and go to bed. He never let you go.


I wake up and see that Slender isn't next to me. I get up and remember what happened last night and my dream. I look at my vanity and see a flower. I don't feel dizzy anymore. I hear footsteps and the door opens to reveal Slender.

"Good morning, (Y,n)."

"Good morning, Slender."

"Here I made you some breakfast."

"Thank you."

While eating I and Slender were talking and trying to know how everything was going.

"So um... (Y,n)."


"What does this mean for us?"


"About last night... the kiss."

I blush and look away.

"I...*sigh* I honestly thought we were something else, you know?"

"Like more than friends?"


"I'm happy you think the same thing."

I smile and kiss his cheek.



He kisses my lips I kiss back and he starts wrapping his long arms around my waist. We part away leaving a trail of saliva.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

At that moment Anastasia comes in crying holding a box.



"*crying* I'M SORRY YOU GOT HURT!"

"Baby don't worry mommy's


I nod and she looks at Slender and he nods. She hugs me and stops crying she eventually goes to sleep in my arms.

"Can you take her to bed?"

"No problem, you need to rest."


He kisses my forehead.

"Love you, rest my love."

"Love you too."

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