Chapter 14

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I'm sorry there are so many time skips :(

**2-week time skip**

Ath had told everyone about the pregnancy and they were pretty happy and chill. Everyone except Jack and Britney knows. Today we are going for the first ultrasound and I will go with her.

Add: "So, Ath are you ready?"

Ath: "Yes, Add."

"OMG, I still can't believe you're pregnant."

Ath: "I know."

Addison puts the gel in Athena's swollen belly and goes to check it.

Add: "So, the heartbeat is okay and I see no sign of problems with the baby."

Ath: "Thank god."

"So by the 13 to 18 weeks of pregnancy, we will be able to determine the gender. Right?"

Add: "Um yes."

"Let's go Ath."


We leave and go to get some food.

Ath: "Can we get some In n Out?"


**25 minutes later**

"Mmmmm so good!"

"Ath you finished that in like 3 minutes."




"I know. So does Jack know?"


"Ath, you need to tell him."

"I've been trying but he doesn't let me talk to him or Britney prevents me."

"I can help you."

"Don't take your bat, gun, or katana."

"Oh come on."

"(Y, N)! NO!"


I drive to the forest so we can tell Jack.

"Let's go."


We start walking and walking. She starts getting tired and a bit sick.

"Wanna vomit?"



I pat her back and help her up.

"Wanna go back or..."

"Continue walking."


We keep on walking and find Jeff, Ben, and JACK!

Jf: "(Y, N) ATH!"

Bn: "Hi!"

"Hi, guys! And Jack."

"What do you want?"


"Jack can we speak alone."


"Let her talk Jack or else."

"Tch! Ok."

**Athena p.o.v**

"What do you want?"

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