Chapter 5

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"No fuck you! Go to California however you and I are no longer friends. Hooker!"

I cry get my phone and get to my car. Why would she think such things about me? I get on my plane and head to L.A. I look at my phone and Ath and the guys block me and unfriend me. I can't believe they would think such things about me. I hope they are at least happy with their decision.


I get on the plane and am the upset cause of what happened I decided to go to sleep until the plane lands. I wake up a few hours later and we land. I head to the police station and see my niece and a newborn baby girl. My niece comes running towards me crying I hug her tight eventually the social worker gives me the newborn baby girl. My other niece. She was beautiful once I holded the bother of them all my worries, sadness, and anger were gone. I soon found that the baby was just 2 days old and that her name was Anastasia. You hold both of them tight. Eventually, the police officer that called you comes.

"Hi, you must be (Y,n)."

"And I guess you must be Alex Johnson."


I notice him blushing but I brush it off. I stay at a hotel with my nieces. I go to see my cousin and Selena's bodies. I couldn't take I walked out of the room and vomited. Alex helped me. And offered to take me to the hotel to which I agreed. He took me and I soon began making funeral arrangements.

2 weeks later

I've been in L. A for 2 weeks I was getting ready for the funeral. I got the girls ready. Once done we went to the graveyard to bury them many people came to pay their respects. After leaving Alex came up to me to help us. Alex has been helping me a lot but he has been acting a bit touchy and shy. I soon found out he had a crush on me. I however was not ready to start a relationship. I decided to not go back home and instead decided to go to San Diego. My nieces were definitely not gonna stay in L. A. I decided to contact my real estate agent and look for some good houses. I signed up to a hospital in San Diego. I was gonna go back to pick up some stuff and to get my dogs. Athena wanted me to come back for them. I only told her that I was gonna move however I didn't tell her I was gonna move across the country. I didn't tell her since she clearly didn't want to know anything about me. As for the guys they also didn't want to know anything about me. I was happy to have Annie and Anastasia by my side they gave me happiness, joy, and hope. I soon found a house. But before I left Alex wanted to tell me something.

"(Y, n)."

"Yes, Alex?"

"I want to tell you something."

"Ok, tell me."

"I like you. Ever since we first meet I like you."



"Look your a very nice guy but I don't feel the same. I do like you but as a friend."

"O-Ok don't worry it's fine I understand. So friends?"


I get ready to go back and also get the girls ready since I didn't have anyone to take care of them. We took off and decided to say goodbye.

I'm very deeply sorry it's too short :( 

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