Part.....9 U are crying?

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i saw bakugo and todoroki kissing in the class... ya today like some hours ago are like they together? but they don't act like they r ughhh its soo irritating *looks over the sky* why did i fall in love its soo fuking stupid!! *sighss* its okh maybei  still have a chance... or idk..

the kiss in the classroom is like replaying in my mind its like i couldn't think about anything else now too i am just thinking about how icy-hot's lips touched mine it was soft and lovingly and ...omg i am soo lostt!! it was not lie deku's or kirishima's it felt soo different don't tell me i like icy-hot...well its nice that he is out right now i can't fuking stay normal in front of him eeee 
*lays down on*

i was about to go to my dorm and i saw deku coming my way and just standing in front of me i just wanted to go and see bakugo and talk and maybe ..tease him a little about the kiss we had but i don't think i can soon... "hey todoroki -kun where are u going ? " i was looking at deku who was talking some things i was listening to but my mind was all on the thoughts of going to the dorm and meeting  bakugo why  tho... idk i just i think i him i love his anger his blushes his shyness his " STFU " face *smiles* "todoroki -kun? are u listening-??? " i snapped back from my thoughts and looked at deku i- Oh i am sorry i was thinking " no its okh- well i was thinking can i come to ur dorm?" huh why u wanna come there? " oh i just wanted to spend time with you " with me? " oh i mean with u and kachhan because i have nothing to do right now u see- " Oh i see ya sure u can lets just go " ye " he sai and started following me towards the room I knocked hey bakugo !!

i hear knocking on the door " hey bakugo" it was icy hot- omg *breathesss in and out* i opened the door icy-hot was standing in front of me wow so u r finally here half and half i wanted to ask about wtf was that in clas- *i suddenly noticed deku standing besides him* i- wtf deKU?!he smiled hey kachhan how are you?? icy-hot was just standing and looking at me HEY WHY TF IS HE HERE ICY-HOT?!! " he just wanna spend time bakugo "he said and came in and deku followed him TCH. wht a pain i smashed the door close and sat on the couch i saw icy-hot going to the kitchen and making something and deku following him ..... isn't he too close to him tch. i hate this i wanted to talk to icy but now he is here great !! then i saw deku going close toicy-hot my hearts started feeling weird i was getting irritated everything was soo not nice and icy-hot wasn't even saying anything to deku!! is this normal for him to have deku that close ughh... *sighss* i heard the door knocking again huh?? who tf is it now?? i saw deku and icy-hot pausing and looking from the kitchen tht who is it i opened the door suddenly two hands got wrapped around me " heyy bakubro How's going " he said and just cam in the room WHT THE HELL SHITYY HAIRRR i pushes his hand a little what r U doing here? " oh i just came to see you and play some video games uk-" he said i looked at him with irritation whatever and closed the door just fukin great i mumbled " did u say anything bakubro?" shitty hair said No i didn't just mind ur business i looked over at kitchen where they both were standing but i can only see deku staring where did icy-hot go? shitty hair got to the couch and started to set up the game i rolled my eyes and sat down beside him playing with the controller

 i was talking with midoriya about how i makes soba and was making soba for all of us and coffee for bakugo cause he like coffee just thinking about him drinking coffeesitting relaxed made me smile suddenly midoriya grabbed my hand " what are u thinking todoroki kun? " he said oh uhh- nothing so as i was saying-*in mind* well he is clinging more than usual these days what should i do or am i just imagining it ?? my thoughts got interupted by knock on the door i paused and looked at the door who it is and deku came at my sidebakugo opened the door and suddenly kirishima came and hugged bakugo not even giving him a chance to do anything and pushing himself in the whole mood of seeing him drinking coffee him being cute disappeared i got irritated no irritated maybe angry is the write word i turned around to the place i was cooking and hold the coffee maker i just... i love bakugo i am suree now suddenly i started feeling sad my heart was paining i just wanted to grab baku and tell him tht i love him very loudly that he can't even ignore it.- i finished making everything and deku came to grab the stuff and go around the couch i saw bakugo playing with the controller and kirishima setting the game i smiled and walked towards bakugo hands him the coffee here baku for you he looked at me grabbed the cup oh than- he stopped and looked at me wait      WHT ?!! BAKU?! i realised that i called him that and slightly blushed then laughed a little don't be surprised its just a name or u want me to call u smthing else?? like i got close to his ear kittysuki? and turned and placed the spicy soba in front of him and one other soba besides where kirishima was sitting- and sat next to deku and handed him the bowl i looked over at bakugo who was looking down and his hand was on his face i smirked a little *thought* i bet he is blushing over it and started eating my soba

i was setting up the game and my mind was filled with that night i was just thinking how can i say sorry to bakugo then suddenly i heard some footsteps i turned my head a little and found todoroki and deku comming *thought* okh wht the hell they were here shit i was too focused on bakugo i didn't even realise i turned myself towards the screen i was not in tht much of a distance tht i couldn't hear anything i can hear everything so i was just facing front andi heard todoroki saying bakugo baku and him suddenly shouting abt wht is this and i was like why did he even in between of my thoughts i heard him saying what about calling u " kittysuki" WTF?!! whyy no he can't say tht i turned my head towards bakugo he was ... blushing tch.i snapped him bck by saying LETS START THE GAMEEE MANN!! and we started playing it while deku and todoroki was talking something i won in that heh!! i looked over baku with a grin he just said " whatever i am gonna win next time!! " but before we started playing again i poked his arm and came closer to him hey bakugo sorry for the night really-he looked at me and smiled " its fine dumbasss but goota say you are brave that u came here after what happened now let's play-" i looked at the screen and started playing *thought* OMFG!! HIS SMILE omg so adorable my heart >.<!! and i won again..

we were talking boring stuffs well i was happy i was with todoroki -kun tho but my eyes were at kachhan and kirishima too- i saw kirishima saying something to kachhan and him smilling well i hv seen kachhan's smile so its not a damn thing but sure a rare thing then i looked at todoroki-kun he told me he will be back in a min from washroom i noded he stoop up i saw a block type thingy on the floor thn looked at kachhan and kirishima they were busy playing they r not even notiicing anything.. i slided the thing in front of todoroki's foot withouth him noticing and suddenly he fall over me and by mistake his hand got over my dick squeezing it and i moaned out of nowhere then looked at todoroki while blushing slightly and closing my mouth by my hands todoroki got off me and said sorry and ran towards the bathroom and i spot kachhan and kirishima looking at me suddenly kirishima got a notification on his phone " ohh fuck i goota rush out sorry guys and went outside running " kachhan was just staring at me and thn looked away just looking at the controller in his hand idk but it was awkward so damn much ... todoroki kun came back and there was no expression on his face like nothing happened i got up and said todoroki kun i be goingg rN talk to ya later and left...idk i just felt weird in theenvironment kachhan was making

deku left i looked over cleaned all the stuff baku was not moving just holding that controller in his hand i got over to him and saidhey mr.quite gonna put that controller bck or i gotta do it??...i got no response ummm hey bakugo? still not a moment hey kitty what's wrong i put my hand at his chin and pulled his head up my eyes widened his eyes was filled with tears he was holding thm back from faliinghey...baku what's wrong?? tell me what happend and where is kirishima? he brushed my hand off nothing he said and started going off i hold his hand hey wait....

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