Part ....18 It Hurts

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<<Bakugos pov>>
after crying for a while I suddenly realized I was hugging Deku for quite a long I stopped doing it and rubbed off my tears and looked up at him a little he was smiling as always but ofc he doesn't like me he is my rival!! ..sighs I m too tired of everything ... I mean my past my present only nice thing ever happened in my life is meeting icy-hot I smiled a little thinking bout him then I heard "kachhan ?? what got u smiling all of a sudden?" uh UHHH?!! "none of ur business dummy let's go now!! icy hot must be waiting." yeee yeee was all he said while laughing and followed me in search of icy-hot........

we were searching for icy-hot its been quite a long we weren't able to find him the fu*k he went? i was calling him but he didn pick up the phone we went outside and then I saw him at the railing just looking at people I went up to him and pinched his arm "oii idiott!!! why tf u here without telling and nothing?" he looked at me and blinked "i- oh Uh oh sorry bakugoo i was just wandering and wasn't able to choose anything so i came out too fresh my mind"......... ok wtf happened to him now? he called me bakugo.. not katsuki? kat? or smthing .. and what's with that look... I was worried i didntt wanted to but ugh feelings are shit he started walking to other direction by saying lets go somewhere else.... It kinda felt bad i turned around andd deku was likee fucking standing just behind me my head hits his chest "bitchhh what whyy??"  he just laughed omg sorryy kachhaan but what haooened to todorokikun? " ugh  i have no fucking damn idea i told him andd we both ran to catch up with icy hot i poked his arm he looked over at me" what" is all he said with the same blank expression i was paused for some seca then said " babe is smthing wrong why r u like.."  i was cut off by him saying i dont wanna wander around here anymore i m going u both do WTEVER and by tht he left HE FUCKING LEFT?? why...  My heart was paining it felt badd thts why i didntt wanted to get stuck in these type of shit but i regained myself and looked at deku...  "soo what u wanna do"  he wass looking at icy hot going and then looked over at me and had a grin.. Ookkk tf??  He grabbed my hand and started running to somewhere he was holding my hand quite hard soo i hadd to runn with him so i wont fucking fall bitchass "WHERE TF U TAKING ME???"  he kept on running and suddenly stopped i was panting becs of all the running and saww us standing in front of a... ICE CREAM SHOP???  SERIOUSLY "deku.. Seriously now"  he smiled " yess i remmeberr we once ate ice cream like this when we were children"  i looked at him and remmeberd the memories and smilled a little looking at the stall till the time i was thinking all thingss of sweet cute  deku alreadyy brought us ice cream demn..  He remmeberr my fav flavor good lol i took the ice cream from his hand thnks i said
"oh myy kachhan saying thanks achievement unlocked". U DAMNN NERD SHUT UP i said and we both laughed and started going back to school calling a cab  we reached school he went to his dorm i was searching for icy hot only place left was our room i knocked at our room... "icy hot u there?"  the door unlocked revealing the man "heyy!! Why did u suddenly went-"
What do u want bakugo he said bitch the hell why... i was angryy sad all mixed idk "WHAT IS UR DAMN PROBLEM WHAT HAPPENED WHY U BEING LIKE THISS WHY??? "  i shoutedd he looked at me frowning "look bakugo dont makee things worse rN i need a little timee pls go away for a bitt i need to clear my head"  "BITCHH WHT??  I - I CANT EVEN KNOW WHAT U MAD ABOUT WHATS THE FUCKING MATTER"  Before i could say more he shouted "DIDNT U LISTN WHAT I JUST SAID GET AWAY I WILL TALK TO U LATTER FUCKING ASS"  he slammed the door close on my face...  Hah.. Hahha..  Fuck it hurts i started crying out of no where i putted my hand on my mouth and slowllyy went to bathroom while not letting my voice out so others wont hear fuck it i hate him whyy... i got in and locked the door i slided down andd was crying silently and suddenly i heard knocks

*Knock knock *
I didnt respond
*knocks again*
I was silent
*starts banging the door*
Fuck the.. Hell i was getting scared know.. W-what
*suddenly the banging stopped* then i heard the voice
Heyy kitten wont u let me in~

No no no no Fuck noo not him fuck no i started panicking....

Hehe welll thats it
For now
I like cliff hangers idkk 💓😘

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