Part 21.....he hates me now?

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after hearing all he was silent he looked at me I believe you kachhan I know u won't lie about such a thing and I know that guy he would do worst things he got up and went to his closet took some clothes out came back to me here kachhan you should change and wash up you might feel a little better by that I smiled and took clothes from him and went to the bathroom


I removed my clothes and turned on the shower I like hot showers maybe a little too hot because I remember mom screaming touching the water I was having a bath with I laughed at the replay my mind did of mom screaming  I was staring at the wall in front of me in a minute mom thought was replaced with today's incident and todoroki's word started repeating in my mind

after 1/2 an hour I turned off the shower and dried myself wearing the clothes deku gave me I looked at the clothes .... umm deku is bigger than me? ((in body size don't think other things u unholy souls) )  oh well this is kinda not wow i wanted me to look more like dominating then deku but ehatever cant be helped while thinking that i went out of the bathroom i sae him he was sitting on his desk taking his usual notes in his diary but he wasnt writting he was just sitting i walked towards him he havent noticed that i am out of shower i slowly went to his back and looked down trying to see his notebook i couldnt see clearly so i moved my head a bit down because of that my face was almost beside his face i saw his notebook but his handwriting was so small " what even is that" without realizing a said it deku suddenly looked at me our face was only like 2 cm away  he was looking directly into my eyes i was too stunned to move he was startled but soon he got his composure back and he poked my nose i was like wtf-  " hey kacchan stop looking at me like that or i might kiss u again" i suddenly got a bit flustered listning that and got up "STFUU DEKU" he laughed " it feels nice when u r like this" i looked at him and realised tht he like seeing me this way not crying i smiled " okay lets go down and eat u must be hungry" oh yes i was but then i realised i might have to face todoroki he might be there " deku no i can't what if i meet todoroki there no no" he grabbed my hand " kachhan u did nothing wrong u dont have to hide in a room for it and u will make him understand what happened right do u want him to think that u really cheated?" he do have a point if i stay in this room he might start thinking i really did cheat i nodded at his words and said" ok fine. Lets go down i am hungry " to which he smiled and then we both went down there were not many people only pikachu kirishima and invisible girl was there deku went to the kitchen and got something to eat for him and me we sat on the chairs and were eating suddenly toroki entered the room my eyes landed on him as soon as i realised someone comming he was just looking down and walking then suddenly he looked up straight towards me he stopped walking... Idk what he is thinking he made a dissapointed angry face and turned back started walking back to the dorm deku saw the whole thing i turned to deku and said " hey i be back i have to talk to him" he agrreed. And let me go i ran towards him while he as about to reach the door knob i grabbed his shpulder he looked back " what do you want" such a cold reaction i am not used to him behaving like this to me it. Feels bad " hey babe i want to explain the situation to you its not what you are think it is!!" he cut me off " oh its not what i think it is?? Are you gonna gimme explanation about why you were cheating now?". What no why he think i cheated i love him he know i love him" no i didnt-" he cut me off again" i dont want ur fucking explanation about your cheating it doesn't mean shit to me we are done and please if possible stay away from me as much as possible" he went inside the dorm and locked it i tried to get in but couldn't " TODOROKI PLS LISTEN TO ME WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS LET ME EXPLAIN I WPULD NEVER CHEAT ON YOU". He shouted "LEAVE ME ALONE PLS" I  was crying avain i wanna talk to him i want to hug him why.. Why.. Cant he believe me... He... He hates me now??

Hey sorry ppl such a latee update i was busy with stufff

I will upload more now

And thanks for all your support

I never thought i will get this many likes and views on it


See ya in next ch.

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