Part 10...Confession

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i grabbed bakugo's hand he was crying... hey what happened bakugo?! Are u okay? He looked at me with sadness and i don't know it was hurting me soo much watching him like this i got close to him tell me bakugo what's wrong please. He looked at me and started speaking "I .... i saw u fell on deku and the sound he made ik it w-was a accident and it doesn't matter idk!! I just u seem soo close to deku like it kind of makes me feel so wired and feels like u r ..away.soo..away from me i am sorry idk what i am saying i just... tears started to roll out of his eyes he was crying... the " KATSUKI BAKUGO " was crying " i am sorry shit... i am a fuckin weakling crying because of this stupid thing.. But i..todo i..." he looked at me ..Did he just called me todo?? Oh my gosh i kep on looking at him "I..i L-love you icy-hot!!!" i was froze did he just said he loves me? I was so chocked i loosened my grip on his hand i was soo damn shocked!!!

" I..i L-love you icy-hot!!!" i said it omg fuck!!! There were soo many thing going in my minutes my heart was heavy i said it without even thinking!! Shit i looked over to him he was just staring at me his hand was still holding my hand he was...just staring i became nervous and i felt his grip loosing on my hand...*i looked down* ohh so this is how it is..ya he don't like me huh what was i thinking?? That i will confess and he will return the feeling ridiculous *i turned around* i -i am sorry!! I said it so suddenly *i started to go to my room* but felt 2 hands wrap around my shoulder and chest pulling me back in a hug my heart felt like it stopped for a second and then i hear..." i love you too baku!! So much.." my eyes started to spearkle do he really mean it?!! Did he just i began to cry again because of happiness and suddenly icy-hot picked me in bridal style *i blushed* heyy dummy w-what are you doing?!! " nothing just taking my love to the bedroom it late already uk" i looked at him saying this in a very caring and loving manner my heart felt soo happy idk this feeling it soo good!! He took me to the room and layed me on the bed and lays besides me while cuddling me to his chest i was soo happy i snuggles to his chest and started to drift in sleep....

i looked at bakugo he was snuggling to me he was looking soo cute like a fluffy do in my arms i laughed to myself ya i mean comparing to dog is a little ahum* but still he looks soo cute *i kissed his head and fall asleep* i heard a loud sound and woke up ughh... it was the alarm i put it off and turned around and saw bakugo still sleeping i smiled and rubs his head wake up sleepy head!! Or we gonna be lateee!!! For class he woke up looked at me and yawned cutely he nodded and we started to rush because we got late becs we were just cuddling while saying we have to go to class!! We ran out and got to the class in last minute and sat on our seats everyone was staring at us like i mean can't blame them i looked at bakugo who was panting in the front seat i laughed *bell ranged it was the break time* i saw kirishima walking towards bakugo ohh wow couldn't be better and everyone of the bakusquad surrounded bakugo and was chatting i was just sitting and looking at listning to their conversation and felt someone sitting behind me i looked over and ya there he was with a big smile –midioriya we started eating lunch and were chatting abt the thing teacher was telling us then suddenly i heard mina saying " damn bakubabe if u stay with tht attitude i doubt tht u would ever get a gf or bf " in return bakugo just told her to stfu!! Wait.... why he didn't tell them he is my bf why!! Is he ashamed..why my head started thinking and suddenly i stopped and realized... OHH FUCKK!! I DID SAY I LOVE YOU TO BAKU BUT NEVER ASKED HIM TO REALLY BE MY BF!!

sorry this chapter was short lmao but whatever hope u enjoy this

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