Part 16... sweet and sour

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<<DEKu's POV>>
I was sitting in the cafeteria with ochako, Iida tsu and todoroki yaa my Deku squad I kinda found it uncomfortable because you see I umm don't really like all these main leader things I like it simple and calm but well now I am used to it I am still thinking about the new student who is not very new for me and kachhan I don't even know my feelings now I mean I do think I love todoroki Kun but it's getting weird from past few days I can't put my finger on it maybe I was just attracted to todoroki Kun because of his beautiful features? *sighs* well whatever I looked around the cafeteria with a spoon in my hand I looked over to the "Baku Squad" and there kachhan was yelling at Kirishima and kaminari  ofcc like usual lol it's sometimes too funny mina was singing behind  the group sero was facepalming unknowingly I smiled looking at the group and snapped out of it by uraraka saying my name little loud "DEKUUU!???!" UM UH Yeah? what is it uraraka? she looked at me everyone in my group was staring at me um wtf? "what happened" I asked todoroki said, "that's what we are asking u r not listening to us for mins now blanked out then u started smiling what's up?" did I really smiled ugh I can't explain this to them shit "oh its nothing really I was just remembering a funny moment lol" I answered thinking they will say ok and mind their own business Iida was about to speak something then we heard Kachhan yelling "LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE WHO DO U THINK YOU ARE HUH???" we all turned our head's where bakugo was sitting then we saw kanazo standing in front of kachhan staring down at him and kachhan looking at him angrily but I knew he was scared inside he is putting an act...

<<BakUgo's POV>>
Me and my squad went to the cafeteria when the lunch bell rang well ya "MY SQUAD" I never tell them but I really loved when they all decided to name the group bakusquad I felt like I was the imp. one it made me happy for some reason they all I hold them dearly but hell no I am not showing them I do it looks soft and I am a rough guy I was shouting at kaminari and kirishima for their stupidity again tbh I think something is going btwn those to like you know a romantic connection? I wish my vibe is true it be good for Kirishima and dunce face lol suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around I was frozen again fuckk not again common be normal don't be afraid he is an extra and u don't know him ya! "what do u want extra?" he was smiling which I was hating "hey there sweetie how have you been?" I can see all my friends were staring at the guy with question marks on their faces tch.. bastard "Don't fucking call me sweetie and fucking none of your business just go away u damn idiot" he suddenly grabbed my wrist i was shocked "H-hey wtf are you doing?!!" fuck i shuttered dammed "you remember right that you shouldn't talk to me like that?" he tightened his grip on my hand and I squeaked a little .... I am weak WHY AM I SOO WEAK IN FRONT OF HIM I smacked his hand away  "LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE WHO DO U THINK YOU ARE HUH??? "I said angrily looking up at him and he was staring right down at me the cafeteria was silent... 

<<TodORoki's POV>>
I looked over at bakugo and saw that guy standing in front of him staring him down and I can sense it was a cold stare bakugo looks angry what did he even say to him? I don't like this guy midoriya was acting weird too from the time he showed up do they know him? ugh, I have to make my head clear i looked back at them and the boy was saying something I can't hear them bakugo face have no expression of anger now it kinda looked scared the boy grabbed his wrist and was making his face close to his I can't watch this I dashed over to them and created a wall with my hands in front of his face "I am sorry but you are too close " I said while looking more like glaring at him he looked at me back grinned and said by putting his hand up in the air like surrendering "I was just talking " he turned around and was gone I looked back at bakugo his face was not scared anymore he looked normal "are you okay?" yea I am icy-hot ofc why wouldn't  I be? .... I somewhat felt that he is lying but I didn't ask him much...

TO BE CONTINUED ~830~words
seee ya in next ch.

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