Part...... 12 THings are not right

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my alarm started shouting I quietly woke up and smashed the alarm off ugh... I hate this sound I wanted to sleep more I got off the bed and opened the door yawning I saw icy-hot laying on the couch why is he here? then I recall all things that happened yesterday "oh shit I should have unlocked the door " I went to him ad stroked his hair hey morning icy wake up now 
he opened his eyes and saw me and grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him and kisses me it happened so fast I wasn't able to react and blushed I kissed him back grabbing one of his cheeks and broke the kiss and smiled morning love he smiled back at me "morning..bakubae "
I blushed again listening to the name he just said he got up and started to get ready for school I started to do the same and we both got dressed and started to go to the class I locked the door of our dorm and started walking in the hallway with todoroki it was quiet but peaceful I was loving this oh I wish it can go on forever we entered the class and saw our classmate was crowding up in one place we kinda became worried because it was not normal everyone was quiet and their face wasn't as happy as they always are we got close to them and tried to see what happened and saw Deku and Kirishima in between Deku laying on the ground looks like... he is in pain? and Kirishima standing with a lot of anger in him I suddenly dashed my way to Kiri "hey what's wrong? what happened " he wasn't saying anything just anger was written all on his face I got worried and looked at everyone questioning I saw todoroki going to deku to see what happened he was just got up and sit on the floor looked towards me and Kirishima and suddenly ran to us like he was gonna hit he was going to punch but I grabbed his hand by the wrist dodging the punch "WTF ARE YOU DOING YOU DAMN NERD "Kirishima was about to go on Deku but kaminari grabbed him I was going angry why? because he was gonna hit my best friend todoroki came from behind and grabbed Deku and started to drag him away


I was shocked when midoriya suddenly got over Baku and Kirishima to punch them but somehow Baku managed to stop his punch I got to him suddenly looking Kirishima he was still angry and started dragging Midoriya to another side "what were you doing? what happened "he didn't answer me just angry and sad WHAT HAPPENED MIDORIYA?! he flipped my hand away and walked out of the class ... he never did that kind of thing uraraka and Iida came to my way in the worried face I looked at them "what happened?" urara said- "well all we know is we all were chatting like always then Deku went to Kirishima and they both walked towards another side to like talk in private that the last thing we know while talking Deku was saying something to Kirishima and Kirishima became madder and madder and suddenly he slapped midoriya soo hard he fell on the ground and then ig u two came in so you know what happened- "I was confused 

Kirishima wasn't speaking and I saw Deku going out and todo with other members of dekusquad I asked pinky what happened and she told me that Kirishima and Deku were talking and suddenly Kirishima got mad and slapped Deku I wanted to ask what happened too many questions in mind but  Aizawa sensei came and we all had to sit and just study class got over we all went to our dorms I was walking with todo my head down thinking the exact same thing what happened Kiri don't behave like that normally we got in dorms and starts to do normal things I asked icy if he knew something he moved his head denying well the time was now 10 pm I was already late for sleep so I and icy hot got to sleep

~after some time ~
i woke up looking at the time it was 2:25 am ugh great I woke up and was thirsty I start to look for the bottle but it wasn't in the room so I went out and was going in the way for the kitchen and suddenly heard a voice...

Kirishima u know it's a nice chance fo- ..... i said it midoriya I don't ant to u shouldn't either u r fucking out of ur mind...JUST THINK ABOUT IT KIRISHIMA IT WILL BE GRAT ...SHUT UP I don't wanna listen to anything!! I heard footsteps going away and saw Kirishima sitting on the couch I got to him and stood in front of him            Kiri-.....

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