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we are at the dinning hall only 20 minutes ago i was hugging bakugo i dont even myself know why i am hugged him i never hugged someone like that but when i came out from the shower seeing tears in his eyes my heart was heavy he seemed like a very strong and emotionless jerk but he was crying and then he suddenly looked away i thought he is embarrassed to let anyone see that he is crying i started to walk towards him he started saying his rude stuff and i just hugged him 
he ws looking so weak and broken he cried on me for some time then suddenly pulled away and thanked me and just ran out of the room i heard a knock on the door i thought it would be bakugo i opened it and saw midoriya standing there "ohh hey todoroki -kun i wanted to ask will u come to the dinning hall all of us are planning to eat something and talk and have a little fun!!" ohh okh fine lemme wait for bakugo he has gone out for a moment i will come with him i said that cause bakugo was not feeling right and it won't be good if he comes back and no one is here wait why am i even thinking this  midoriya looked at me with a big smile "well you don't have to worry abt tht todoroki-kun he pointed at the other side where i saw kirishima was dragging bakugo to the dinning hall by smiling and  forcing him well he seems to be irritated i nodded at midoriya and started following him on the way 

i was going back to my dorm suddenly a hand covered my shoulders i flinched cause of sudden touch and looked around and saw the redhead uhh what was his name again ya kirishima he suddenly said "hey bakubro let's go-to dining hall for talks and food it will be hella fun "i refused but he didn't even listen just laughing and dragging me to come down i was irritated then i suddenly heard footsteps behind us! shitty hair and i looked behind us and found deku and todoroki comm in i was now more irritated after seeing tht !!! todoroki looked at me and i looked at him it seemed like he was gonna say something but suddenly kirishima just pulled me and started dragging me "WTAF SHITTY HAIR LET ME GO !! WHAT THE HECK!!!!"


we both looked behind us and saw todoroki and midoriya then i looked at bakugo his eyes were like glued to todoroki and todoroki was watching him too i dont know i felt a little jealous or IDK what to say to this then saw midoriya watching bakugo in anger i think bakugo didn't notice it but its kinda really different to what he behaves like well i saw todoroki was gonna say something and thought if he say something rN.... so i grabbed bakugo and just dragged him IDK it just feels he is gonna steal him away from me ik its kinda stupid but whatever!!

i saw kirishima taking bakugo away when i was about to say that les go together to bakugo IDK it made me irritated seeing kirishima dragging him but why am i irritated ufff i must go with midoriya "lets go midoriya "he looked at me with a big smile and said okh! 

everyone is shouting especially ppl around bakugo that is mina sero Kirishima denki and ya him 
i suddenly saw mina shouting BAKU SQUAD all of a sudden we all saw at them and they were laughing well bakugo was irritated but i can tell he was kinda happy !! then i asked mina "what is this bakusquad mina? "she replied "oh !! todoroki its a squad of bakubabe me sero kirishima and denki "i was shocked wait bakubabe?"  deku said suddenly mina whats with the bakubabe?!! bakugo gave a tch! and mina laughed and said well u see our bakugo is suchh a cutie and babe and adorable!!! so i named him bakubabe hehe!! .....Oh i see i suddenly got up goes towards bakugo they all were staring at me and bakugo looked confused i came closer to him IDK WHY i was doing this myself but i can't stop myself i come closer whispers in his ears seductively so-bakubabe wanna be my babe ?~~ i feel him flinching i moves away and smirks bakugo was blushing as hell mina shouted IS BAKUBABE BLUSHING!!

i watched as todoroki came back and he was smirking and kacchan was a blushing mess tbh he was looking kinda cute and adorable when he was blushing wait wht am i even thinking sheessh get that thought out of ur head ...i asked todoroki " what did u said to kacchan todoroki -kun why is he blushing tht much ..?? " he was still smirking and said " well nothing i just teased him a little to know how he will react but i didn't thought he would get that flustered " i frowned do u like kacchan todoroki -kun? "wha- no i don't he is just kinda cute and sweet ig i like him but not in that way " he was staring kacchan oh ya he dont like him r u kidding me it clearly seems like u like him dammed!!
they all started to eat their food and stuff i was still pissed i saw bakugo going somewhere to the bathroom ig? i was soo angry i got up and goes in the direction bakugo was going suddenly he was about to go to the bathroom i pinned him  at  the wall grabbing his hand ( well in this book bakugo is a little shorter thn deku hehe )he was shocked what r u doing deku ? "dont speak u little shit and stay away from todoroki !! "  he said "wtf are u even talking abt deku and why r u behaving like this " I kinda shouted at him in a low voice tht I like todoroki and stay away from him if NOT U WILL regret tht ..... he looked at me "Deku fukin die with ur warning do u think i will get scared by that "i thought that he does have a point he is a pain in the ass !! i comes close to him to give him a little scare but by mistake i was soo close to his face !! eep- shit but when i looked at him he was flushed he was red as a tomato i smirked idk why but i am liking this i came close to his ears and whispered in a seductive voice kacchan~ u don't want me to fuck u right here right?? ~
he flinched at the sentence then i let go of his hand and goes to where everyone was sitting /...!!

wtaf was that is that nerd in his right mind or what?!!! FUKIN HELL first that icy-hot now him i can't
i walk in the bathroom and goes back to the main area where all ppl were sitting i sighed and  

 i was going to sit on the chair suddenly icy-hot blocked my way !! he came closer to me i backed away a little "WTF ARE U DOING ICY-HOT "he is not even listening to me he comes closer that our nose r touching i closed my eyes then he kissed my....

hehe okhhh wait fr the next chapter 

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