Part 11............ " MY BF "

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shit it's my fault i suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder i looked who it was it was midoriya wow i forgot he was sitting here " oh ya midoriya what is it?" i asked " todoroki Kun is something the matter you looked like u were mad then sad then anger idk what you are thinking so i am asking you fine or not" ohh so it was that obvious. " no its nothing let's just finish our lunch " i was still hearing the bausquad talk couldn't hear it clearly but ya i can some of it suddenly i hear or i should we heard the redhead saying loudly "oh com' on mina don't say that " he moved him hand cover bakugo's shoulder " ok ya I am not jealous totally not!! " bakubro can be my bf can't he" wait what!? I got triggered and i was idk hard to explain i saw bakugo was pushing him in annoyance and all other were giggling midoriya was just sitting and uhh had a blank expression kind of weird but uhh whatever I looked back at the group " so bakubro or maybe... bakubaby will you be my-" wtf bakubaby?! Before he could end his sentence i stood up and got to bakugo grabbed his wrist and pulled him out of his chair and hold him close to my chest while looking at the other's well bakugo was in shock- I glared at Kirishima " thank you but he is MINE and it would be nice if you don't ask him more" there faces ll were shocked the whole class was quite i looked down at bakugo he was blushing hard damn he is so precious

" thankyou but he is MINE and it would be nice if you don't ask him more," todoroki said damn my heart he is such an idiot!! I started to blush I don't want to but i can't help it suddenly i hear todo again " hey Baku " i looked up at him trying to control my blushes " will you be my boyfriend?" and wow i thought of controlling it but i blushed more fuckkk!! " he giggled and brushed his hand near my ear and hair" i-i-...y-ya I want to be DAMN WOW!! Now i fuking shuttered i suddenly felt a hand grabbing my waist and pulling me closer and by the time I can realize it todoroki was kissing me i blushed and kisses him back but wait he is not pulling away its fukin been a min or soo!! For fuk sake i tried to pull away but he made it more intense every time i tried I blushed and punched his stomach and pulled away while panting " Damn! U idiot!! You wanted ME TO DIE IN THE KISS!!" he grabbed his stomach in a little pain looked and me and laughed all class started laughing so i laughed too "
(all the class were happy and was shouting watching the curtness and stuff even Aizawa was smiling and happy but you know those 2 were not-)
then we all heard a noise it was Aizawa " com on now bell already rang time for the lecture" all of them sighed and got back to their seats and icy-hot too but.... where tf did shitty hair go I can't see him in class I ignored the thought and sat on my seat
after some time I felt someone pushing my chair from its bottom I turned around to see who? i saw icy hot smiling and doing it ohh for fuck sake com on now!! * I turned back forward*
he kept o doing it multiple times I ignored....ignored...and ignored.... u r gonna pay :)) icy-hot

                                                                              <<still bakugo's pov>>

I was making coffee ofc for us both I am tired but I still gotta think about how to take revenge from the chair pushing thing I suddenly felt two arms grab me from behind

I was making coffee ofc for us both I am tired but I still gotta think about how to take revenge from the chair pushing thing I suddenly felt two arms grab me from behind

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well ugh >.< why he has to do it every time!! *i turned back with a smile and gave him the coffee* have coffee dummy !! we sat down on the couch and were drinking coffee and chatting he finished his coffee pretty fast I finished mine after some time and was just sitting and icy-hot was on the phone i got the idea...

<< hehe something gonna happen readers :3333 >>>

i got to him silently and grabbed his phone from above and took it he was surprised and was just looking at me and i put his phone on the table and kissed him soon enough he kissed back i started kissing him deeply i felt one of his hand going to my waist i looked at him and bit his tongue a little and slid my tongue in his mouth he started to swirl our tongues and started sucking on my tongue i got flustered and moaned softly i slightly put my hand towards his dick he shivered a little i rubbed his dick from outside and i can feel his dick getting harder damn it's big I gulped he kissed me on the neck I blushed hard fuck- i am sensitive there and when he was about to get further I slid away from him and took my mug and walked towards the kitchen "H-Heyy!! what was that?!!" he said i looked at him umm nothing? just... an act of teasing revenge for u disturbing my whole day in class hehe
i turned over to him " oh shi-..." he was looking soo angry with his dick hard and IDK why but I thought ... if he will do " it " with me its gonna be a pain for me i ran to the bedroom and locked it* BAKUGOO!! COME OUT!! haha, fuck!! sleep there today!!... oh lord save me *i got in bed and slept*

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