Part....17 is he cheating on me?

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<<BakuGO's POV>>
i heard icy-hot asking me if I was ok... I don't wanna tell him about the past and drag him into this mess it will be all okay soon *sighs* I told icy-hot it was nothing he nodded but his face looked like he was dissatisfied with the answer oh well nothing can be done we all went back to our classes and sat down the next period was free I was sitting and playing with my fidget toys and my squad? well, I made them go away icy hot was sitting on the seat beside me and was reading some weird princess storybook wow a guy with that personality reading that thing i suddenly heard someone sitting down in front of my desk I looked up to see it was the one and only deku FUCKING GREAT he was staring at me i was staring him back ..ok? what's with him is he not gonna look at icy-hot? then I remember Deku knows about akaza i sighed "i am fine seriously" he blinked and smiled and patted my hair OKHAY WHT IN THE WORLD? and this thing caught icy-hot's attention "midoriya why are u patting him?" he asked we both turned his way deku said "oh its nothing todoroki -Kun actually i never touched kachhan's hair andd he didn't had his guard up so I thought imma try touching it " todoroki was looking midoriya with those jealous eyes but he didn't say anything becss it will be stupid i chuckled it was soo cute they both were looking at me in surprise oh shit "AHUM WHAT R U LOOKING AT HUH?" they both started laughing I smiled softly then deku suddenly asked me and todoorki "hey u both wanna go to mall?? it be fun just the 3 of us?" strange again he is asking me too?

<<DEKu's POV>>
i asked them if they wanted to go to the mall with me just 3 of us well yeah idk I don't feel like getting close to todoroki that i felt a little back and kachhan is my childhood friend soo I can take him with me too right? if he wanna come that is idk these days kachhan seems so beautiful and soft its soo wow and I don't wanna fall for him because I know he will only love todoroki well I just have the worst luck in love i was looking at both of them and kachhan said first "ofc nerd we will right icy-hot?" he turned his head towards todoroki kun and he nodded I smiled I am really happy we all went to our dorms after wards and we decided to meet around 5 pm to go its 4:40 pm right now i started dressing up i wore my clothes and stood in front of the mirror well i look goood::

ok? what's with him is he not gonna look at icy-hot? then I remember Deku knows about akaza i sighed "i am fine seriously" he blinked and smiled and patted my hair OKHAY WHT IN THE WORLD? and this thing caught icy-hot's attention "midoriya why are...

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i went down and was looking at my phone then i heard footsteps i looked up and i saw the couple they were in a matching outfit todoroki kun looks wow andd kachhan looks cute

{{HE WAS LOOKING LIKE THIS }} i went down and was looking at my phone then i heard footsteps i looked up and i saw the couple they were in a matching outfit todoroki kun looks wow andd kachhan looks cute

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