Part .....19 Most Horrible Time

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*suddenly the banging stopped* then i heard the voice
Heyy kitten wont u let me in~

No no no no Fuck noo not him fuck no i started panicking....

-continuing-(bakugo pov only)

I was having flashbacks i was scared everything seemed scary i was now trembling i dont want to why this keep happening to me this is bullshit dream yes this is dream I closed my eyes and put my hand on my ears so I can't hear anything suddenly 8 heard a loud noise and opened my eyes and saw him howering over me with that devilish look i  looked at him scared he crouched down to my level and smirked putting his hand on my cheeks " hey baby don't cry your master is here to give u pleasure and make u cry in a different way" I slapped his hand away with fear in my eyes " y-you fuck off I hate u I don't want u pls...." suddenly a hand grabbed my neck tightly I wasn't able to breath I started squirming and started hitting him and making his hand go away.. But I wasn't able to he is strong and I was already feeling bad becs of icy hot I feel pathetic  I thi k I am going to.. Die.. Suddenly the hand loosened up a little I gasped coughing and crying "w-why do u" I looked at him and he was glaring at me i stopped saying anything he came close to my ear and said with a deep voice  "don't ever talk to me like that again got it" I was shakking and on instincts I nodded fuck this I don't want to obey " good boy" I heard i dont even wanna look him in the eye I was looking at the side i felt one hand going down my chest to my dick rubbing it slightly i suddenly grabbed his hand " w-wait no we can I don't want to" I said i dont wanna do it with him I know he wanna fuck me right here I need to get out of here I started to get up but he grabbed and banged me on the floor I hissed "WHY WHAT ARE U DOING STOP!" I shouted and regretted I looked at him he was angry " I warned u bitch don't talk to me like that u never listens now pay for it" he took off my pants and slaaped my cheeks hard I closed my mouth while still trying to get out of his grasp and again he slaaped harder I squirmed while putting my head downwards fuck this he slide his fingers inside of me and moved them a little i moaned I didn't want to. But my body don't listen its natural its reaction i cant stop " oh my I haven't heard ur moans in long time moan more for me baby and damn ur inside are wrapped tightly around my fingers u haven't done recently right?" I wa crying and was making his hand go away heforced one more finger inside of me and started fingerling me harshly I was moaning more while shivering and crying please someone come inside he pulled out his dick and put it at the entrance" pls no.. Stop it.. I have boyfriend.. I love him pls.. " I was begging I hate begging but 8 have no choice maybe he will listen" oh goshh bf aww how cute" just after saying tht he trusted his dick inside of me fully I screamed from pain and pleasure  I don't want pleasure stop no and suddenly the door opened i looked towards the door with my watery eyes..."todoro-" he looked... Shocked wait no "ICY HOT NO ITS NOT WHT ITS LOOKING LIKE  HE IS FUCKING" I cried out but suddenly kanazo covered my mouth and said in a seductive voice... "Baby~ why are u taking todoroki's name u know he is not here right just call my name like you do every night"... Wait no he knows todoroki is he is doing act pls todoroki pls don't believe him
" you are truely disgusting bakugo" he ran away from the bathroom.... I was getting raped he ran he believed I suddenly felt sharp pain in my heart and kanazo suddenly pulled my hair hard "liked that slut?" he kept on raping me i was begging him all the time to stopped he did. Stop but after finishing inside me he got up and was dressing neatly again I was still on the floor sobbing my heart was too much heart all thoughts were of icy hot leaving me" aww babe don't cry i m here for u always uk that right? " common get up we have to goo now u can't stay like this he started grabbing me I was angry I slapped his hand away and shouted" YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE YOU ARE TRASH I HATE YOU" I felt a strong slap across my face I was frozen "know your place" he got up went outside and locked the door.. I m worthless I wasnt able to defend myself I made todoroki mad then made him see such a horrible scene I hate this.....
I heard the door open i tried to look who was there....

Hey guys ya ik I update too late I am reallyy sorryyy but I hope u like it
A little bit? Lmao
Byeeee see ya in next ch
Words ~915~

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