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I don't want to live here .... everyone is like soo annoying and really don't like my behavior i have like soo many times to change my attitude but i can't help it comes naturally and i am tired and i don't wanna change now but still when people say that i am rude, heartless. evil i just wanna tell i am not well Deku is a different case cause he have always a vibe of evilness Idk why i just get those...but now what should i do ....shit~!!!!

we followed Mr.Aizawa he started telling us the roommate we r gonna live with fuck i am getting a roommate i wish tht won't be Deku 
then he announces the names :
(i am not mentioning everyone i m fukin lazy person!! XD)
Deku and kaminari
Kirishima and sero
bla Bla bla bla 
and last Todoroki and bakugo 
ahh- wow I am going with that half and half well ok if he is better than Deku 
we all started going towards our dorms when i reached mine i saw Deku leaving half and half to the room i was soo irritated of him being around that halfy i started moving forward they both looked at me halfy's eyes were calm as the ocean but Deku seems to be pissed somehow now that it matters or anything i passed both of them and opens the door of the dorm halfy started saying bye to Deku i saw 2 beds in the room on each side with on desk attached to them and bathroom and some stuff i picked the bed on the left...
i started arranging my clothes and suddenly noticed that halfy has entered the room and he is arranging his things on his bed 

i turned to look at him and saw him shirtless his muscles were soo finely made and he was looking so hot ngl wtf get this shit out of ur head but why tf is he shirtless he turned around and caught me staring at him but he didn't make any expression he looked me in the eye and said he is going to take a shower i looked away after hearing that and when i looked away i saw the mirror and noticed i was blushing WTF WHY I AM BLUSHING!!! SHIT WTAF 
suddenly i heard a knock at the door i opened it Deku was standing there "wtf do u want nerd" i am here for todoroki-Kun kachhan where is he? "tch get out he is taking a shower "suddenly i felt something grab my collar
"kachhan i am acting nice that doesn't mean u get to do everything and anyways u are a fukin piece of shit and u know nobody wants you here its better if u just move out"i was shocked it was not like i didn't know this nerd is acting but his words really hurt but I slapped his hand away and slammed the door i went to my bed and sat there ....
"well my heart is aching he is right tho I should just leave but I cant break down tht quickly i am gonna be a hero so i should be strong ya I am taking these comments frm like child hood so why tf i am still not used to thm "suddenly I felt tears falling down through my eyes i tried to hold thm but I just couldn't suddenly iheard the bathroom door opening up i looked at the door halfy was looking at me with a suprised and worried expression SHIT NOW I DONE IT NOW HE THINKS I AM WEAK AND GROSS I looked away i heard footsteps coming to me "Halfy go away its nthing i am perfectly fine just do ur god dam-"i was cut off with him hugging me "IK u will not tlk abt wht is making u sad bakugo so ik i will gain nothing frm asking but a hug can solve it all u know " i looked up at him his eyes seem to hv care at him, he was giving a beautiful smile my hands suddenly grabbed his t-shirt out of the blue and i started to cry he hugged me till I stopped crying...!!!

A/nsorry i was soo into reading different stories that i forgot I was writing one myself XD

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