Part 6..the CHOAS HAPPENED that night

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wtaf was that is that nerd in his right mind or what?!!! FUKIN HELL first that icy-hot now him i can't
i walks in the bathroom and goes back to the main area where all ppl were sitting i sighed and

i was going to sit on the chair suddenly icy-hot blocked my way !! he came closer to me i backed away a little "WTF ARE U DOING ICY-HOT "he is not even listening to me he comes closer that our nose r touching i closed my eyes then he kissed my....


and he Kissed my head....I suddenly opened my eyes and blushes because of embarrassment 
then i looked at him he was controlling his laughter i got a little mad "hey WTF WAS THAT FOR U LITTLE IDIOT?? " everyone one looked at us and was laughing i looed at them in anger and saw deku staring but this time he was just staring it kinda gave me chills ..... then Icy-hot told me that it was a dare given to him i brushed him off and sat a the corner of the room in the couch!

Oh my gosh!! when i came close to him my heart was soo damn fast idk why but the time he closed his eyes TBH i wanted to straight kiss him on the lips IDK it just was lie that he was looking so cute!! wait why i am thinking like that don't tell me i am attracted to him?? no it can't be that hmmm and when he blushed soo sweet i looked over at him and started to go towards him but saw kirishima already there * why the hell he is just always there??*  then i shifted my eyes found a spot next to deku and Iida and sat there-

it was all good before bakugo was gone to bathroom when he was gone i looked at deku following him it kinda felt weird but i didn't say anything and suddenly mina started shouting that lets play t and d so all agreed then suddenly didn't wanted to play IDFK why! but mina forcefully gave a dare to todoroki that was to kiss bakugo somewhere on the face  i saw midoriya coming then after some time bakugo cam and i saw todoroki walking towards him tBH i was thinking that i wish i was the one who would have taken that dare i saw how bakugo suddenly closed his eyes and blushed when todoroki kissed his head to be honest it irritated me to hell ohh well whatever 

i walked to the couch and sat there everyone started to laugh and after few mins get busy in there selves and suddenly red hair coming to me i new he is gonna sit and even if i say something its not gonna work he sat besides me "yo baubro wht's up i see u got flushed there for a sec" ohhh shut the fuck up it just he was too close!! nthing else "ohh is that so? " he suddenly looked at me and puts his one hand on back of the couch and other on mines other side it was like he covered me up then he started to get close to me like right to my face i putted my hands on his chest pushing him a little "oii why u pushing me bakugo?" i started to blush !!HE WAS SO FUKING CLOSE!! and he suddenly kissed me i couldn't help it i was blanked out and was a blushing mess
i starts to mumbles stop it!! *he suddenly got more passionate and added his tongue* and suddenly i felt a person in anger behind him....

i was sitting beside Midoriya he was talking like he always do soo brightly and cheerfully but i was more concentrated on bakugo who was talking to kirishima and Tbh i just wanted to move him away then i suddenly say him covering bakugo like kinda pinning him? i started to frown Midoriya saw me frowning and looed at the way i was looking at bakugo and said "umm uhh todoroki-kun wht the hell is kirishima-kun doing there?" iDFK!! but it seems kinda wrong "well i don't know i am having a feeling he is gonna kiss him" i looked at deku his face was kinda ... wht his face was showing inda anger?.why? do he like kirishima or bakugo no..not the time i suddenly look back at thm and saw kirishima kissing bakugo and bakugo kinda pushing him i didn't realise tht i got up and starts going towards them ... and heard bakugo mumbling to stop but he wasn't i got behind him and pulled him off aggressively ....

i felt someone grab my back and i suddenly got pulled of harshly i suddenly looked at him it as todoroki "WHT THE HECK R U DOING?? " he said then i realise that i got overboard and was kissing him for soo long and intensely suddenly me and todoroki looked at bakugo-
i got..turned on.. he was panting a little was covering his mouth with one hand and was red 
Oh my gosh he was totally different from the usual he was looking like i cute little kitten got messed up !! jesus i looked at todoroki he was just staring at him i mean i can't blame him bakugo was looking so..... i started to blush a little while watching him i am kinda relieved that we were in the corner no one can see us suddenly deku dashed out of nowhere and grabbed bakugo looked at uu and said "maybe i should take kachhan to his room " and started taking bakugo i and todoroki didn't say anything becs we know like he should go-

as i saw todoroki going where kirishima and bakugo was i started following him not gonna lie watching kirishima kiss bakugo kinda made me angry too idk maybe its because he is kinda cute..and ik him from childhood..and i kinda..OMFG MIND SHUT UP!! the time i got there i saw kirishima and todoroki staring at bakugo and the moment i looked at him i was frozed damn hell he is looking so hot mess!! i think i should take him to his dorm otherwise these 2 would IDK what they will do specially i don't wan todoroki to look at him like that i grabbed him and starts to go to his dorm taking him 

while taking him there...
he suddenly wacked my hand off "GET TF OFF OF ME I CAN WALK ON MY OWN" he started walking on his own an i was following him jezzz such a rude guy i wonder why i find him cute when he is flushed up ughh... he opened his door i was behind he looks at me "WTF ?? JUST GO U DON'T HAVE TO COME INSIDE TO YOU KNOW?? "i got a little pissed i pushed him and came in and locked the door behind "WTF ARE U DOING DEKU HE CAME TO PUNCH ME .. but before he could do that i pinned him on the bed while using my power he was blushing i came close to his ear and whispers "u are quite weak when someone is touching u right?~" he blushed hard and i licked his ear while biting it....

hehe well seee u In the next Chaterrrr SHIPPERSSS

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