Chapter One Hundred-Forty-Nine - Pack

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Author's note: Tw: more discussion about the dagger in this chapter


Remus didn't think he could do anymore walking, and when he realized they still needed to get out of the tunnels he felt like collapsing onto the ground and sobbing. Instead, he brushed himself off and lit his wand up, turning to go through the tunnels. He didn't even realize he was limping until Sirius quietly offered to carry him again. Remus stared up at Sirius who was covered in grime, dust, and blood, as somehow he had gotten a cut on his right arm too. It wasn't as bad as the first one he got, but now both arms were bloodied.

"It'll heal in a moment," Remus said, his voice a little hoarse.

His friends barely seemed able to walk themselves, and Remus offered to go get the broom. James shook his head, saying he didn't want them to split up 'in case'. Remus wondered vaguely in case of what, then realized James was worried there would be another cave-in.

"So was that safer than the stone door?" James asked as they tried to find their way through the tunnels.

"Yes," Remus replied immediately, ignoring the look his friend gave him. "Hopefully it was a dead-end chamber behind the stone door, and now whatever that thing was is buried forever."

"Remus," Sirius started.


But Sirius shook his head. "Nothing."

They still don't believe me, he thought, too tired to feel any real annoyance over it. It didn't matter though. They were out, they were safe.

"The pit!" Peter cried out when they went down a long tunnel.

James took a few jogging steps, wincing in pain. "My broom!" He scooped his broom up, hugging it tightly. "Oh, darling, you're okay!" He kissed the handle. "I'm so happy to see you!"

After James carried everyone out of the pit, James and Peter got on the broom while Sirius and Remus inflated the one single LiftAway they had left, as Peter had dropped one in the water. They all wanted out of the passages as quickly as possible, not wanting to wait for multiple trips on the broom. While Sirius and Remus's weights combined didn't allow the LiftAway to float fully, it was enough lift that they could get across together, with Remus clinging to Sirius while James and Peter flew. When they touched down at the end of the passage and Remus let go of Sirius, his knees buckled and he let himself collapse to the floor, pressing his cheek against the wood.

We're completely out of there, we're completely safe now.

"Not completely safe," Sirius said, and Remus realized he had spoken the words out loud. "I need to get to Madame Pomfrey. Peter probably does too, with that scrape; could be infected too."

Remus got to his feet, almost falling over when he did from his legs barely working. Sirius caught him, which was embarrassing since Sirius was the injured one!

"Are—are we all going to Pomfrey first, or—or are some us going to Dumbledore?" he asked after straightening himself out.

"Dumbledore?!" James asked incredulously, his voice rising into a squeak. "Why in Merlin's name would we go to Dumbledore about the probably zillion rules we just broke?! Why would you even sugGEST THAT?! Do you WANT to be expelled?!"

Remus stared wide-eyed at his friend, mouth opening and shutting as he pointed back behind them. "The—body—there—the—the skeleton. James, there's a skeleton down there! We have to tell him!"

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