Chapter Eight - Mature Enough

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As soon as the Marauders went into the Great Hall all four sets of eyes went to the High Table, to get a glimpse of their new teacher. Except, there wasn't anyone new at all. In fact there were three empty seats, which confused the others until Remus pointed out that Hagrid was bringing the first years across the lake and McGonagall would be waiting for them.

"So where's the new Defense teacher?" Sirius asked as they found seats.

"Maybe we don't have one," suggested Peter.

Remus shook his head. "We have new Defense books on the list. We must have a new teacher." He switched his focus to the Gryffindor table, looking for Lily. She was sitting several seats down with her two female friends—Alice Colgate, a pale girl with very curly hair, and Cassandra Inkwood, a black girl whose hair poofed out in an afro. Inkwood looked really different though Remus couldn't quite figure out why.

"Bloody hell!" Sirius hissed out, following Remus's gaze. He began smacking James's arm rather violently. "Look at her. Look at her."

James's jaw dropped a little. "Jumping jarveys."

"Holy hippogriffs," Peter agreed.

Remus didn't know which girl they were staring at though all three—sensing the stares—turned to look. Immediately James and Peter looked away however Sirius just flashed a grin, giving them a salute and a wink. All three girls turned their heads away, clearly irritated. Remus wanted to ask what that had been about however as James and Peter seemed to immediately know whatever grabbed Sirius's attention and Remus did not, he didn't want to appear stupid.

"Oh drat. Spinnet made it back," sighed Sirius as he looked past the girls and saw the other two second year boys; Morrander Spinnet and David Struthers. Remus liked Struthers well enough. He was a decent guy. Spinnet, however, had quickly become not only his enemy but the enemy of all the Marauders. He particularly hated Sirius.

"Snivellus is back too," said James, eyeing the Slytherin table. Snape was looking at the Gryffindor table though not at them but at Lily.

Sirius snapped his fingers. "You'd expect him to drown in his own hair grease or something."

"Urgh, I just hope the feast starts soon." Peter rubbed his stomach miserably.

"Even after all those sweets?" James teased. Peter kicked him.

"It'll start soon," Remus said, hearing vague chattering from outside the Great Hall doors belonging to the first years. The doors swung open, and McGonagall led the children down the middle aisle.

"Man, they're little," James said. "One or two might even be shorter than you, Remus." Now Remus kicked him though he did notice he wasn't bigger than the first years at all.

Sirius was watching his brother. Regulus kept his face forward, on McGonagall and the Sorting Hat which began singing its new song; Remus barely paid attention to the words since his mind was more on the whole missing teacher thing. Everyone applauded when the song finished except for most the first years who merely looked frightened (and a couple who were looking around with annoyed looks, Remus thought probably the ones who had believed his friends about a duel).

Regulus was the fourth one called. The Slytherins were all murmuring and giving Sirius looks as Regulus walked forward, chin held high. Sirius just watched his brother, whispering under his breath. "Not Slytherin. Not Slytherin. Come on, Reg, you can do it." His hands were curled into fists so tight his knuckles were white. Remus wanted to reach out and comfort him somehow but kept his hands to himself.

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