Chapter Nine - Who Needs Brooms?

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Remus didn't sleep too well his first night back at Hogwarts. He didn't really have nightmares however he tossed and turned a lot, waking up several times. Finally he dragged Gwyllgi out of his trunk and curled up, hugging his dog against him, sleeping decently for the rest of the night. He woke up when the others were waking up, hearing their voices, hearing one of his friends say to wake him. He shoved Gwyllgi under his pillow just as his curtains opened. He sat upright, rubbing his eyes.

"Morning," Sirius said in a strange voice.

"Morning," Remus replied, sliding out of bed, wondering what was going on since Sirius's heart rate was faster than normal. A big prank planned? "What time?"

"Nearly ten," James said from where he was getting dressed. "We've missed breakfast."

"We can get something from the kitchens though," said Peter.

"Then outside," James said quickly, sitting down to tie his trainers. "It's a nice day out so we're gonna have some broom time!"

After all four of them got dressed in casual weekend clothes (with James hauling his carrying case) they trooped to the kitchens. Remus and Peter greeted the house-elves while James and Sirius got a large basket full of food. They ate next to the lake, sitting in the bright sunshine, occasionally tossing bits of food into the lake for the giant squid. Remus wasn't too hungry so he wound up laying on his belly with a book in front of him though he wasn't reading. It felt so good just relaxing like this, being with them again. All too soon they were done eating, brushing crumbs and grass off their clothes as James unlatched the broom case.

"Lads and—er, other lads. Behold!" He flicked the lid open, flourishing his hands proudly.

"Blimey!" Sirius looked in with big eyes. "Jimmy, it's beautiful!"

Remus was frozen on the ground. His bones were aching slightly, his skin crawling. He didn't dare move. Didn't dare even look.

"It's amazing, one of the top brooms ever." James pulled the broom out, putting it in Sirius's hands. "It can reach a hundred miles an hour in fifteen seconds!"

"That's how I fell, James convinced me to accelerate real fast," said Peter.

Sirius turned so Remus could look at it. "Yeah it's, uh, quite a broom," Remus said, sitting up cross-legged as an excuse to edge a little farther away. The handle was chestnut, the twigs some kind of pine which gave off a lovely scent. However... the metal binding the twigs to the handle as well as the metal stating the name along the handle, and the metal in bands along the top of the handle were most assuredly silver. Real silver, not just looks-like-silver.

"Sirius, give it a try," James said.

Sirius grinned and mounted the broom, fingers closing around the handle, fingers touching the silver StarShooter900 label. He kicked off, zipping up into the sky, shouting gleefully. James and Peter cheered him on as he began looping and rolling through the air. Remus gave polite claps, feeling super ill. At least they all knew he disliked flying so he had a ready excuse not to try it. Still, it was awful.

Sirius landed with a fancy sort of bounce. "James, James, it's perfect!"

"Isn't it?" James ran over, taking his broom back, caressing the handle lovingly. "They're completely sold out. Or were over the summer. But Dad knows the owner of the company so that's how I got it. Remus, your turn!"

"No thank you," Remus whispered, scooting away as James came closer. "I don't like flying." He fought hard to keep his voice steady as the silver was so close to him. He had no idea what silver did exactly to him, just that he could physically feel it when he was close and that it did something very bad; he was pretty sure it would burn him since that's how his skin felt when it got close. That sort've burning prickling sensation. Besides, it was the only way to actually kill a werewolf. Silver blades, that sort of thing. He didn't think the silver on the broom would kill him... unless maybe someone clobbered him over the head with it. Would that work? Or did the silver have to go in him? Most werewolves were executed via silver ax chopping the head off. He wondered about a silver club...

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