Chapter Twenty-Three - A Sirius Medical Emergency

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After Charms instead of going to the Great Hall the Marauders went up to the tower, to try out their big plan. Their test. Which Remus still felt weird about it being his idea, technically (though Sirius kept saying how proud he was for Remus to think it up). There were a few people in the common room (the furniture still on the ceiling) but luckily they didn't need the entire tower empty. They headed up to their dorm where James got out his broom, carefully mounting it before Sirius arranged the cloak over him.

"Open the window!" he exclaimed.

Peter ran over, throwing the window open. They heard James going over then leaving. All three of them crowded together, leaning out to try to see even though there was nothing to see; then Remus glanced down, feeling ill. Quickly he pulled back in.

"You think he'll manage?" Pete asked.

"Probably, I doubt they've enchanted the windows," replied Sirius, leaning out even farther. Remus got out some snacks from his desk which drew Pete away from the window. They sat on his bed, sharing the food, while Sirius just kept leaning out the window. "I hope he's all right," he said after a few minutes. "I think we'd've heard something by now if there was an alarm on the windows too, right?" He stayed still, watching. A few more minutes passed. "Come on, Jimmy."

"Standing vigilant won't do anything," Remus pointed out.

"I don't know what that word means so I'm not gonna answer," Sirius said, eyes still locked on the sky. Remus rolled his eyes.

Remus and Peter finished off the apples and most the crisps, wiping their hands off then joining Sirius back at the window. Another moment or so passed until they heard James's voice telling them to please move.

They backed away as James came flying in, nearly crashing. "I did it!" he laughed, ripping his cloak off. "I got in a dorm! I'm not sure which one. I think the third years? But it works! Lads, it works! We can sneak into the girls' dorms! We got past all their barriers! We'll be able to play pranks on them and NOBODY will ever suspect it's us! Hah!" He carefully put his broom back in its case then, with a flourish, whipped out a bra from his pocket. "Ta-da!"

"Yes!" Sirius shouted while Peter clapped his hands and Remus snorted.

This bra was vastly different from Professor Dedenne's bra, the only other one they had to compare it to. This one was much smaller and didn't quite hold the—the cup shape that Dedenne's had. Wasn't so stiff. It was white with delicate pink flowers though it did have tiny white sort of scallop-y shapes around the top of the boob area.

"This one's so floppy!" Pete said, taking the bra and waving it. "It's not that shiny, either. It's just like... plain cloth."

"Yeah, it's really boring," Sirius said. "Just like a pair of underwear. Not interesting."

James grunted. "Next time you can steal fancier ones. I didn't want to take a really fancy one cause I don't think we'll be able to return it anytime soon. That one looked like it wasn't as pricey so that's why I chose that. But guys—guys! The underwear drawer was like..." His eyes got enormous as he spread his hands out. "So many colors! And they all felt so different too!"

"Didja look at the panties?" Sirius asked with a grin, taking the bra from Peter and holding it up to his own chest.

James snickered. "I did. A little bit. I didn't want to stay too long. Next time you can come with me. Though I doubt we can fit all of us on a broom..."

"That's fine, I don't particularly want to go stealing girls' underwear," Remus put in quickly, trying his best to pretend he didn't notice the looks they all gave him. Like they thought he was crazy. "I—I don't think we should be stealing underwear at all. It's not—not nice to steal clothes of any kind!" He thought for a quick second then shrugged. "Unless it is Slytherin clothing."

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