Chapter One Hundred-Eleven - Weird and Wrong

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Author's Note:  Since I've been getting the same questions repeated multiple times over the past couple months I am going to do a very quick FAQ and hope that helps :)
1. Remus is Gay. Not Bi. This will be the last time I say this in an A/N
2. Marlene, Dorcas, and Frank are in the story, they will become prominent characters!  They will be coming in later. They are in a different year from the Marauders because I feel it's odd to have everyone from the Order be the exact same age.
3. Remus's scars are actually not book canon! They are movie canon only. So he does not have them in Shifting Lines, other than his bite mark.
4. I'm sorry but Kingsley is not a Gryffindor in canon. It never once said his house. I like him as a Ravenclaw so he is a Ravenclaw.
5. And finally I update every Tuesday and Friday currently! Sometimes I'll get a bonus chapter out on Sundays depending on how I'm feeling.

Thank you so much everyone for all your support, I appreciate it so much. I am slowly catching up on comments I promise. And PLEASE feel free to keep asking questions, I honestly don't mind them. I just got so many of the same ones recently I wanted to do a quick rundown. Thank you!


It was way more of a reward than any of them could imagine. By the time Defense Against the Dark Arts let out, half the school was talking about what happened. Of course, most of what was said was exaggerated rumors but it was very clear that the Hufflepuffs were livid. Several Hufflepuffs even glowered at the Marauders as they walked through the school, clearly blaming them.

"We have such a lovely reputation!" James laughed after passing a group of fifth year Hufflepuffs, all of whom gave them dirty looks. "What on earth did we do to be so popular?"

Not all of the badgers were mad. There were quite a few who found it entertaining, as the third years who had been attacked were apparently bullies. Remus wanted to find Bones but didn't see him until supper. By then the rumors had gotten so out of hand that one would have thought the Hufflepuff dorms had been blown clear out of the castle! It was very hard for the Marauders not to laugh.

Bones was waiting a little ways down the corridor near the Great Hall, and darted out as soon as he saw them. He grabbed Remus, yanking him down a side corridor with the others following closely. Remus's heart began pounding as he worried Bones didn't like the prank.

"That was absolutely incredible!" Bones wheezed, doubling over. "Bloody HELL! You shoulda SEEN how FURIOUS they were! After lunch when they came back, oh man—all of a sudden—"

"Screams," said another voice, and all five boys jumped, but it was only Rivers. He had followed them, eyes shining. "Brilliant, completely brilliant."

"So many screams and shrieks and explosions and—I swear I heard that one fast-paced song!" Bones added.

"F—Flight of the—the B-Bumblebee," Remus said.

Bones snorted, clapping his hands. "Yes."

"The stench," Rivers snickered.

"Oh the STENCH! What in Merlin's name did you DO?!" Bones demanded. "I could smell them clear down the hall! They spent forever in the showers trying to get cleaned up. They still stink a bit though!"

"I take it the arsehole party was a big success, then?" James asked.

"Biggest success ever! Apparently there is glitter stuck everywhere?" Bones looked at each of them, and James nodded. "Yes, haha! You guys are terrific. I don't even know how you came up with something like that. Ooh, that was—that was perfect."

"Thank you," said Rivers. "I know it's not going to change anything. I mean, regarding me. But it's nice to know they got something done to them. Something super awful."

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