Chapter One Hundred-Fifty-One - Music With Lily

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The Marauders spent the entirety of Sunday together, though none of them mentioned what would happen that night. Remus suspected they'd be in their own beds, and as he got his pajamas on he was worried about sleeping alone. Or having nightmares. That would be bad. He was not ready to come face-to-face with making a decision about Sirius... sleeping in his bed. As much as he wanted to.

He wanted to share a bed with someone, or all of them again. It had felt so good, so safe, so nice. Even sleeping in the same bed as one other person would probably—well, he figured it would help. How he hadn't woken up screaming and thrashing Saturday night was beyond him. It should have happened, but it didn't. Because of the bed-sharing? Because having someone (or someones) there around him made him feel safer?

I might be able to ask James, he thought as he buttoned his top up. Sharing with James seemed less... overwhelming. Less hot. Less... wrong feelings. But on the other hand, James hadn't offered; Sirius had. Plus sleeping right next to Sirius didn't seem to be... too terrible or difficult the night before. All right, so he was in a bed with two more people besides Sirius, and had just spent hours wandering around lost and almost dying but still.

Maybe, he thought as he returned to his dorm. But I'm not ready yet. If he could put it off till after summer that would be great. Except could he go through two weeks without having nightmares? Especially with the full moon coming up? Or even tonight?

Remus climbed into bed, still unsure. Of course, sharing a bed didn't inherently mean anything, no matter what his wrong feelings were insisting. Sharing with Sirius would be the same as sharing with James or Peter. It didn't mean anything. Why do I have to even have these feelings? he wondered miserably as he opened a book in his lap, pretending to read. He was far too preoccupied to actually do any reading. I know I'll stop soon, I'll start liking girls soon, but I don't want to wait any longer! Maybe there was a way to get rid of them. A magical way. Or a magical way to kick in his feelings for girls. I'll have to look next year, he decided. He knew he wouldn't have time in the two weeks before school ended. Far too much to do. Schoolwork, assignments, Operation Overgrowth, Vinctum research, and sacrificial death magic. Plus four nights of tearing himself to shreds.

After a while Remus put his book aside, said goodnight to his friends, and closed his curtains. He lay in the dark for some time until he began drifting off...

They were in the passages, wandering in circles. They didn't know how long they had been there but it had been a long time. Days. They were all hungry and disoriented, unable to find a way out. They didn't know whether it was day or night until Remus fell to the floor, screaming as he transformed. It was the full moon, and they were stuck in a maze with a werewolf. He screamed at them to run as far as they could, which they did. Leaving a nicely scented trail for the wolf to follow once he finished transforming. Remus went after them, hearing their hearts beating in the darkness. He howled, enjoying the thrill from hearing their screams of fear. He soon cornered Sirius, saliva dribbling down as he padded forward. Sirius was on his knees, begging Remus not to hurt him, pleading with him that didn't he recognize his friend? Then Sirius looked right up into Remus's wolf eyes and promised a kiss if he wasn't eaten.

Remus howled, and lunged forward, his fangs digging through Sirius's face, piercing his skin and tearing tender flesh from his skull

Remus woke up screaming and flailing, hands stretching out to try to pull Sirius away from him though he wasn't there. His fingers scrabbled at his mouth, still feeling flesh between his teeth, still tasting his friend's blood.

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