Chapter Sixty-Seven - Don't Be Absurd

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Of course, the other Marauders wanted to know what Remus was intending with the feathers and he admitted he had wanted to figure out a way to put the spell on a delay so the feathers-tickling-people would activate in the middle of the night. They jumped on this, wanting to do it, but Remus reminded them that, because he screwed up and everyone knew about it, if they attempted to do this then everyone would know it was them. They were disappointed, but still impressed by the idea.

"This just proves you should study less and focus on pranks more," teased Sirius.

"Not a week before our pre-Christmas exams I won't," Remus replied.

"You did though," Peter pointed out and Remus wrinkled his nose.

"Only a little."

Though he did wonder if maybe he should start thinking more about pranks. He had so many half ideas he let dissolve into nothing because he was 'busy studying'. He thought again of writing them down and maybe... exploring the idea of developing his own pranks...

Spinnet was in a foul mood for the rest of the day and once it was about bedtime he was stomping around, grumbling to himself, and shooting angry glares at Remus while muttering 'do not enter' under his breath. It made Remus a little afraid though he didn't say anything to his friends. He didn't want to start any big fight. He knew if they knew Spinnet had pushed him there would be war, so he remained silent. At least Spinnet didn't really start anything.

Remus stayed up late, studying for the upcoming exams as well as studying more of the spell he had used for the feathers. Even though they wouldn't really be able to use it anytime soon, maybe in a year or two when everyone forgot they could pull it off. Though he doubted McGonagall would ever forget.

He yawned and shut his book, intending to go to sleep, but then he heard the door creak open followed by footsteps padding out. Heading downstairs. Sirius? he wondered, looking at his curtains though the footsteps hadn't sounded quite right for Sirius, but who else would it be? He quietly slid out of bed, putting his slippers and a robe on, then followed him out. If he wanted to be alone he'd leave, but if something was upsetting him and he wanted company... well, at least it'd be nice to offer even if it was an emotional battle to be around him.

Remus went down the stairs, quickly realizing it wasn't Sirius at all, or at least he didn't think it was Sirius. It didn't smell like Sirius had passed by anytime recently though of course he was tired so maybe he wasn't sensing things right...

Oh, he thought, reaching the bottom of the steps. A figure sat cross-legged in front of the fireplace, elbows on knees, chin in hands. Remus tightened his robe then went into the common room.


"Yaaa!" Peter jerked so hard he fell over, getting tangled in the blanket he had brought with him. "Remus? Don't scare me like that!"

"Sorry." Remus went over, sinking down onto the ground next to him.

"Did I wake you up?"

"I was already awake. Studying."

Peter frowned. "It's two in the morning."

Remus shrugged. "On a Saturday night. We're usually up at this point anyway."


He watched as Peter got settled back into the same position he was in before, then scooted a little closer. "Are you all right?"

Pete stared at the crackling flames, a crease down his forehead. "I dunno," he finally mumbled. He reached into his robes pocket and pulled a letter out, pushing it over to Remus.

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