Chapter Three - Urges

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Remus stared in absolute horror at his reflection. That day he and his mother had gone into a nearby Muggle village for some grocery shopping, and they had stopped by a little hair salon first to set up an appointment. The employees had an opening right away so he had gotten his hair cut. The probably had a slot open because they were terrible hair cutters.

"M--Mum!" he hissed as they left the shop. "This looks terrible!"

"What? No, it looks sweet," Hope said, patting his head. "You look like Christopher Robin. You like those books."

His eyes went huge. It was worse than he could ever imagine. "Mum! Christopher Robin is five! I'm twelve! Twelve! Twelve year olds don't have this haircut! Unless they're girls!"

"I'm not appreciating your attitude right now."

He pressed down on his head, flattening the hair, very glad nobody would see him for a couple months. "This better grow out. I'm going to ask Dad if he can use a spell to fix it."

Hope sighed. "Stop fussing, you look fine."

"No, I don't! If I go back to school with this haircut I'll be a laughingstock! It makes me look even younger than I already do!" He could easily see his old nickname of 'Baby' coming back with a vengeance. He also easily saw the other Marauders busting up at the sight. "You shouldn't have paid them."

"Remus, stop!" Hope snapped. "You're certainly acting more like you're six and not twelve right now. Besides, you're not going back to Hogwarts." With that she pulled him into the grocery store.

Oh. Of course. Now she brought it up when he couldn't argue about it since they were in a public Muggle location. He folded his arms, hunching his shoulders, brooding miserably as they wandered through the store. If she thought he'd forget about it when they left she had another think coming. Even with bribes which he could tell she was doing when she put some steaks in the cart then a tub of double chocolate fudge ice cream.

Once back in the car he took in a breath to begin his argument but Hope just slumped forward, pressing her forehead against the wheel. "M... Mum?"

"I'm fine," she whispered, turning the key. "It's just been a long day."

He sat back, not sure whether to bring it up or not. "Are you okay?"

"Yes. I'm sorry, sweetheart, it's just really difficult seeing you growing up." She twisted in her seat to look at him. "One minute you're my little baby and now you're nearly a teenager. It doesn't help that I've hardly even seen you this past year. I don't want you to become a stranger." She reached over, stroking his stupid hair. "I know you don't like the hair but snapping at me earlier really hurt, darling. A lot of how you've been acting since you came home has been hurting. You've been holed up in your room more than you used to. Sometimes you look so angry. You're so lovely when you smile but you were scowling the entire time in the store. I suppose I'm just... not ready for teenager hormones. Mood swings. Growing pains." She turned back the right way round in her seat and pulled out of the parking spot. "It's just really hard," she murmured. "Please know I'm here for you, though. I know it's not easy talking to your mother but... I'm here for you. Anything you need. I love you."

"I love you too," he said earnestly. Honestly. "I do, Mum. I--I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap. I just... really don't like this haircut. But it will grow out before I go back to Hogwarts."

Her fingers tightened on the wheel, her knuckles going white. "Remus, I don't think now is a good time to discuss this."

He glanced forward at the road then flopped back. "Yeah. Um. I am sorry, though. For upsetting you."

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