Chapter Ninety - The Kiss

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Author's note: First of all I completely forgot to shout out my friend in the last chapter! Thank you Angel for helping me with the French! Angel posts on AO3 with the handle NoStringsOnMe. Also a reminder that I do use google translate for the Welsh so I really apologize for that. Second of all, internalized homophobia in this chapter.


Remus was glad he didn't need to worry about seeing Lily first thing in the morning. He thought if he did he'd freak out. Instead, the Marauders snatched some toast and bacon, hurrying out to the pitch for the Gryffindor practice. Sirius, Peter, and Remus settled into their usual seats while the players flew around. Remus munched on bacon, watching James doing loops and flips. He really did look incredible on a broom. He was a complete natural.

Once Bell blew the final whistle, the Marauders hurried down, waiting until the Gryffindor broke up. Sirius ran over to Kim before she could walk off. He pulled her aside, and the other three boys went over while Sirius explained the prank to her. Kim stood listening with her broom across her shoulders, arms wrapped around them, twisting and stretching while he spoke.

"Activation spell?" she asked when he was done. "You mean, the Trigger spell? No, sorry, I've never done it before."

"You haven't?" Sirius asked, looking disappointed.

Kim gave him a strange look. "Buddy, that's a fifth year spell. I'm not learning it till next year."

"Fifth year?" James squeaked out and all the Marauders looked at Remus who ducked his head, messing with his cuff.

"I t-t-told you it—it w-was advanced."

"But you still managed to do it. A—a fifth year spell," Peter said, and Remus shrugged.

"You've done it?" Kim asked, sounding impressed and a little awed which made him more embarrassed.

"His first year," Sirius boasted, puffing his chest out. "Nearly a year ago."

Kim studied Sirius, then Remus. A smile slowly spread on her face as she put the clue together. "Hah, knew you lot were behind it."

"Er, behind what?" James asked, messing his hair up.

"The Bat-Bogey thing."

"Wh—what makes you think we did that?" James scoffed, sounding vaguely panicked.

"Oh please!" she laughed, swinging her broom around to lightly swat James with the twigs. "The only reason nobody suspected you was because it was so advanced, but if Lupin can do the Trigger spell—that's how you did it, right? Triggered the doorway?"

Sirius flapped his hand. "My point is, we need to enchant the Great Hall doors, and were hoping you could put the spell on it."

"Nah. I mean, I'd love to, it sounds great, but even if I started practicing right now I wouldn't be able to get that far by Valentine's day," Kim said, sounding sad. "I'm sorry. I really hope you can figure something out."

The Marauders trooped back to the school, rather disappointed. They were back at square one, and the only real thing they could possibly do was a potion. But all of them wanted to do the heart bubbles. Especially Remus. He worked hard the day before and knew it'd be a couple more days before getting it smoothed out. Getting his new spell he invented smoothed out.

Couple days, Tuesday, Lily, he thought with a shudder. Then, Tuesday... "M—maybe I could see if Fawley could help us?" he asked after they went into the school, all of them glad to be out of the cold wind. "She can't come in to put the Trigger spell on the doorway but perhaps she could figure out a way regardless."

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