Friends?- Aang

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I walk into school and since it's a B day I head to writing. As I walk in and scan for my seat, I see a girl sitting in the desk next to me.

"Hey, what's your name?" I ask her as I put my bag beside my chair.

"Zora. Yours?" The girl replied.

"Aang." I smiled as I got out my books and got ready for the day. After about an hour, writing was over.

"What's your next class?" Zora asked me.

"Uh, social studies."

"Great! I have that too!" She grabs my hand as we walk out the door. I bump into a short girl with black hair in a bun.

"TwinkleToes! What's up, and who's this?" I swore I heard jealousy in her voice but I shrugged it off.

"Toph, meet Zora. Zora, Toph." I gestured to one another.

"Hey", Zora said.

"Sup", Toph replied, nodding her head up. After talking for a couple of minutes, the bell rang and we were again on our way to social studies. After a while, art rolled around. Finally, I could talk to Toph again. I mean, not that I look forward to seeing Toph. But like- not that she isn't my friend or anything. Well she isn't nothing. She- you get it.

"Hey TwinkleToes", I hear and I jump.

"Oh. Hey Toph." I shuffled around, confused how she got there without me noticing, or how she'll react to this. "So uh, you met Zora before right?"

"Yeah, and?" I could sense that mood had been ruined.

"Well, uh. She sorta kinda asked me to hang out later?" I got ready for a burst or a punch. Toph instantly stood straight up(she was leaning on one side before), put her hands in her sweatshirt pockets and walked off. I was about to go off after her until I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Don't bother going after her. She isn't going to talk to you." I look behind me and see Zora.

"Yeah, I guess your right." I turn around one last time and Toph was nowhere to be seen, but Zora was already dragging me to an empty table.

 Right after art was our free period, which I told Zora I was going to hang out with Toph, but I also told her she could eat lunch with my friends.

"Toph?" I put my hand on her shoulder(🎶put your head on my shoulder!🎶[sorry])

"What do you want Aang!" Toph never uses my real name, so that's when I knew I messed up.

"I'm sorry tha-"

"Save it."

Me and Toph just didn't talk the rest of the day until it was time to go home. Since the whole Gaang lived in one house, I kinda had to see Toph.

At the house...

"Toph?", I say, looking around the room. No reply.

"Hey Aang", I hear someone say in the kitchen.

"Oh. Hey Katara. Do you know where Toph is?"

"Uh, no I don't think I saw her come back."

"Kay thanks", I said, walking away.


I was doing some homework when I hear the doorbell ring. Katara went to go open the door and I was expecting it to be Toph so I instantly looked up. Turns out that it was just Zora. Kinda forgot that I invited her over.

"Hey Baldy", Zora says as she pats my head.

"Baldy?" I hear someone say from the door. Uh oh.

"Toph! Thank Agni your back. Where were you? Are you okay? What happened?" Katara had rushed over to Toph, who was currently just standing there, and grabbed her shoulders, pulling her into a hug.

"I was at school, I'm fine, and I just joined a club", Toph said as she pushed the older girl off of her. Then, she walked to her room without saying another word.

"Aang come here." I walked over back in the kitchen and got ready for a lecture. Instead, I got, "What did you do? I mean, no punch, no TwinkleToes? Something's off."

"I-I don't know." I answered truthfully.

"I think she's just jealous", I hear a voice behind me say. It was Zora.

"For your information, no, I'm not jealous. I'm just looking out for Aang." Toph still isn't calling me TwinkleToes so I knew she was still mad.

"Whatever." I hear her mutter under her breath. "Hey Aang, you wanna go take a walk?"

"Oh uh, sure." I rub the back of my neck while looking at the two girls. Me and Katara could sense the tension between the two. I guess Katara also knew that I wanted to make things better with Toph because she leaned over and whispered to me, "Don't worry, I'll talk to her."

At the park...

"So Aang", Zora says, "How did you meet Toph?"

"Well, we met in kindergarten and I guess we just talked. Although, she did punch me to get my attention." I laughed. "I remember it so clearly. She punched me and mumbled, 'Hey, I think you're cool but I can't see you. Who are you?' I looked at her eyes and realised she was blind. Then she explained how she "saw" people. It was probably one of the funniest days of my life."

After a while of talking, I saw Zora wince and she said, "Sorry, I have to go to the bathroom."

Wonder what happened.

Sorry I didn't update. Here's a decent length chapter for you.

Bye Luvs🌷

TwinkleToes and BlindGirl ***DISCONTINUED***Where stories live. Discover now