Protectiveness and Sleeping layout

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This is no one's POV

It's night, and everyone is starting to fall asleep. Aang is still awake with Katara sleeping in his lap. Toph is sleeping by herself, curled in a ball. Sokka and Suki, I wouldn't say they're cuddling, but they're sleeping close together. Zuko is also awake. Aang and Zuko are talking softly, about the loser lord, what the plan's gonna be, and other fire nation stuff. Everything was normal until Zuko said, "Doesn't it get you annoyed when Sokka treats Toph like garbage?"

"I mean, yeah, I guess", Aang replies.

"He's just so careless about her feelings!", Zuko says throwing his hands in the air, causing a couples fire down below to rise(If you want a visual then just imagine what happened at Ember Island)

"Woah, woah! Calm down Zuko! You might wake up Katara!"

"Sorry.", Zuko whispers, hanging his head down.

"How about we go to sleep now. We have a lot of searching to do.", Aang says as he pets Appa goodnight.

"You know where to go buddy.", he whispers.

"Goodnight Zuko."

"'Night Aang.", Zuko says, as he goes to the back of the saddle and quietly places his sleeping bag down.

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