Dates- Sokka

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"Heeeeeeey Toph", I said, I think a bit TOO awkwardly cause she said THIS in response.
"Skip the small talk Snoozels"
"Uh, okay. Toph will you go out with me?" She blushed, stuttered, then quickly recovered.(hahahaha I just realized that rhymed)
"O-oh, uh, sure."
When she felt Sokka turn, she punched her hand in the air and mouthed, "Yeah!!!"
After the date

"So uh, we gotta tell the Gaang about us"
"Yeah, I agree, let's go tell 'em", Toph replied to me.
"Hey guys we gotta tel you something", I say, as I walk in with Toph following behind.
"We know you guys are dating Sokka", Mai said blandly, inspecting her nails, not looking up.
"What! How do you guys know!", I said, very confused.
"Well, you both were gone for a long time and none of us saw both of you. Oh and also, we all felt the chemistry that was going on between you two." Katara said, actually looking at us.

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