I think I love you

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AN: so I know I haven't been on for a long while and I thought I should post out of the blue like I always do. Thank you to my bestie Hailey for helping me with this chapter. It might have a second part but idk yet. I give her 75% credit cause she came up with the idea and her name is involved so I hope you guys like it. I have a chapter called dark prince coming to you guys soon. I got a little too mentally drained and haven't been able to finish typing it. It is the longest chapter and the most proud ive been about a chapter in a long time. Since married part 2 jkjk that was trash. Thank you guys so much for 7.6k views and almost 90 votes. A little goes a long way for me and im very proud of myself for my accomplishment. But also thank you to you all for being thirsty for Draco Malfoy and liking my stories so much. I love you all and thank you again ❤

Draco! i was livid. She called me a daft bitch and he just stood there. Not saying a damn word. He just stood there like an idiot and let Pansys pig nose self just call me a bitch without an actual good reason. Then he just walks away like it never happened.

I was his best friend. I have been there for him longer than she has and he didnt even defend me. What the actual bloody hell was his problem. I chased him inside the castle. I followed him all the way to the Slytherin common room.

"Are you even listening to me Malfoy?! I yelled at him once more. He turned around and got in my face. It was completely unexpected and it kind of scared me so I jumped back a little. He just looked at me again. He was annoyed or bothered by something but I knew he wasnt going to tell me. He was about to say something before he groaned. While looking at me he said the words to get in and just walked in. I didnt even bother following him. I was hurt. I didnt want to cry. So I just walked away.

I walked through the halls for a bit. Got a few hellos. One from Blaise who was with Pansy. Then from Crabbe and Goyle, a couple from other slytherins and a few hufflepuffs, and I ended up at the library.

I always end up at the library. Its my safe space.

I walked in and greeted Professor Snape who was on his way to the Restricted Section with Filch and his demon cat and then sat in my little corner. I started to cry. Why would he do that? Hes never done anything like that before. He stands up for me always even after I stand up for myself. But today was different I couldnt get a word out. I couldnt stand up for myself to her. I looked at him for help and he justnothing. Absolutely nothing. What did I do? Nothing. I havent done anything to him for him to treat me this way. Was it because I ate his apple this morning? I thought it was mine, not his. He didnt even look that mad about it. In fact, he didnt show any emotion towards it at all. Im overthinking for no reason. Maybe I should talk to him instead of yelling. Maybe I overwhelmed him? What am I saying? He didnt stand up for his best friend. We always have each others backs.

He looked at me different today. Maybe hes not feeling well? Maybe hes just tired of me? Hailey stop with the maybes and just talk to him. I took a deep breath. I wiped my tears away and walked out. I bumped into someone.

sorry my fault I looked up and saw Harry in front of me. He smiled weakly.

No worries. Hailey Silverthorn, right? he took out his hand to shake mine.

I looked down at his hand. Then back up at him. We have never interacted before. This is the first time and he knew my name. Draco has told me things about him and he made him seem as bad as a dementor but he doesnt look bad at all. I slowly stook out my hand and awkwardly shook his.

We have potions together. With professor Snape. Youre always in the back with Draco I could never get a word out to you. He said shyly.

oh. Right. Yea with Draco I can never really get a word out to anyone else outside our house. My apologies. Look, harry it was nice chatting but I have something really important to do before my study session later so maybe ill bump into you at another time or not but im sorry I must be going. I moved passed him and kept walking towards the dungeons where the common room was.

That was a strange interaction but I shook the thought away and opened the door. I saw Draco sitting by the fire. He had cinder all over his black suit and he was burning paper with his wand over the fire place. He looked so dazed and unwell. Sad even. He still looked so handsome though. And the change of wardrobe over the years really was a nice touch. I couldnt help but kind of swoon and smile over him.

Are you going to keep ogling over me or are you going to keep walking? he said without even looking my way. He stopped. He looked my way and smirked slightly while shaking his head before he continued to burn the piece of crumpled paper. I got myself together and walked a bit closer to him.

if you get any closer to the fire Malfoy your bleached hair will burn. I couldnt help but laugh since he didnt like it when I called his hair bleached. He swears its not and that its gotten lighter over the years.

He dropped the paper in fire and got up and angrily started to walk away. I was so confused but I really wanted to talk to him about today and why he didnt stand up for me in front of Parkinsons Disease.

Draco. Stop I was only joking. Cmon what has gotten into you? We always joke that way. I touched his arm and he got stiff. I turned him around slowly. What is with you today? I asked him concerned. Maybe it was his parents again. is it your father?

He slowly let himself out of my grasp. no. I dont want to talk about it Hailey. Really. Im fine. Im sorry I didnt stand up for you.

Malfoy. Sorry? When is he ever sorry?

ok come. I sat down on the couch and patted the side next to me. sit down Draco Lucius I wont ask you again I said sternly.

He rolled his eyes and sat next to me and look at me with a disgusted face. you know you didnt have to use my full name Hailey Grace he laughed and sunk into the chair getting comfortable. I couldnt help but giggle too. He smiled and looked at me.

what? I asked him. I guess his thoughts caught up to his expression because he quickly frowned and nodded his head in denial. draco. Im your best friend. Youre my best friend. We tell each other everything for merlins sake. What is going on with you? Youre apologizing, youre acting weirder than usual, please you never not stand up for me from anyone. What is wrong? I started to tear up. im just- im just worried about you OK? I sobbed and looked away so he wouldnt see me cry.

He grabbed me by the chin and turned me to face him. He smiled. He wiped my tears away. please dont cry over me. No one has ever cried over me and I dont wish you to be the first hail. You mean too much. I dont want to make you upset. Its the last thing I want to do. Please. Its just something ill get over. Ill talk to Pansy later and make it extremely clear that she cannot talk to you that way. Just please stop hurting because of my actions. They werent intended to hurt you. I just got lost in my thoughts and I didnt know how to deal with them. So I walked away. It was wrong and im sorry. You are my best friend. I didnt mean to hurt you. I saw a single tear roll down his face. It was the first time I ever saw Draco Lucius Malfoy cry. Over me

Draco. What do you mean by its something ill get over? Did I do something? Is it about me eating your apple today? my eyes widened in anxiety.

He looked at me sideways and then busted into laughter. you think I would walk away because you ate my apple. Cmon now Hailey, you know me a little better than that. I didnt care about the apple. Youre so cute. He stopped and his eyes grew wider than ive ever seen. Like if he just saw a dementor coming at him at full speed.

Draco Malfoy do you have feelings for me? I smirked. I got closer and touched his hand. He got nervous and stood up and started to walk away. I took out my wand and dragged him back towards me before he got close enough to the stairs. stop running away and tell me how you feel like a man. I smiled.

He fixed his tie. He swallowed hard and looked at me. He scoffed. He got closer to me and hovered over me. Now I was nervous. A little excited but mostly nervous. Draco I- he cut me off.

would you like it if I showed you what a real man is Hailey Grace? he got really close to my face and I could feel it burning up. I closed my eyes as he got closer. He whispered in my ear. I could definitely show you what a real man is. I opened my eyes and he was laughing on the other side of the couch. you shouldve seen your face Hailey. You looked like you were going to pee yourself. I threw the small pillow next to me at him. I got up and walked away towards the stairs not thinking much of it I turned around to yell something and I tripped on top of him and onto the floor. clumsy girl you need to be more careful next time. I looked at him. I stared into his orbs of Grey and blue. He was beautiful. I think I love you I said to myself.

He raised his eyebrows. I think I love you too Hailey.

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