Dark Prince

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  I was on my way to Snape's office. It was late, everyone was off to dinner and in their common rooms. Since it was Saturday, we all had a later curfew since we didn't have class again until Monday. I had been in and out of the Room of Requirements for the whole semester trying to fix that bloody annoying 2-way cabinet. I finally got it to work and I knew what had to happen next... and honestly, I was terrified. I hated it here. This year was the worst. It was up to me to get everything situated for Voldemort's Hogwarts "arrival". I hated it. I hated him. I hated my father even more. But I also just hated everyone. Pushing me around, making me do things I didn't want to do. I haven't even played quidditch in a year now.

Frankly, I missed it. I missed my friends. I barely speak to Krabbe or Goyle anymore. I was always with Blaise, Theo, and Pansy now. I even hated all of them but not so much Theo. But I was somewhat comfortable with all of them since they were all I really knew now. Everyone hated me and I didn't want to be soo... lonely. So, I stayed with them. I guess they're tolerable but pansy's a whore and a mess but was a good casual fuck. Past tense. Was... but then there were the adults. Snape was playing Voldemort's game but was on Dumbledore's side the whole time to protect Potter. I was the only one who knew but kept my mouth shut. Potter's been more annoying but I wish I could tell him everything.

The only person keeping my two feet on the ground was Nicole. My darling Nicole. The wind beneath my wings, the fuel to my fire, the- never mind. She knows most of everything but not what's going to happen. I made an unbreakable vow with the bald gargoyle that I wouldn't tell a soul or id die in front of anyone I'd say it to. I want to tell her so bad. She's my little angel of darkness and light. She's perfection. Won't take any of my bullshit but is such a baby. I wanted nothing more than to escape and marry her. But our relationship is a secret. Her mother's a muggle and her father's in Azkaban. He was a follower, a death eater a while back but changed for her. But they caught him anyway and now he's serving another 50 years max. She was like a sunflower covered in snowy ice. She had walls built up and was hard to show emotions to anyone but with me it was easy. Being similar, very similar. I loved her so much id kill to keep her as my wife.

I wanted my life back. That's all I wanted. To be a normal wizard, not having to see death eaters come in and out of my house every 5 seconds. Not to be part of something so awful and helping awful people against my will. To not listen to my father, talk about absolute nonsense. Having friends again. Date. I just want to be happy.

I smile a little thinking about the future. I put my hand on Snape's doorknob. As I go to open it, the door flies open, I'm pushed in by forced magic and the door shuts and locks itself behind me once I'm completely inside.

"Were you followed" His dark monotoned voice boomed through the office.

I nodded a hard no. I stared at the floor.

"Are you sure?" He said walking closer to me. My body stiffened.

"No," I said still staring at the ground. The tile was white and brown with some kind of swirled print. I never realized how boringly ugly the floors in most of the classrooms and offices were. Boringly ugly... like Snape himself. I snickered.

"Is something amusing Draco?" He spoke.

I nodded no but still kept a small smirk on my face. I put my hands in my pant pockets and stared at the floor.

He got closer and lifted his hand causing me to flinch and shut my eyes. I didn't feel anything. I slowly opened my eyes and saw his hand and a vile in front of me. Why did he have to be so dramatic? I was completely confused.

"What is it?" I said puzzled.

He stared at me. He didn't say anything. Cmon old man I don't have time for your theatrics.

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