Le voulez-vous part 2

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" Lydia wake up" Draco looked up at me with those stone gray eyes. He said again but I was too busy admiring him. His demeanor changed. He was back to rude Draco Malfoy. He got in my face and I jumped, shutting my eyes shut from fear. His voice turned into a girls voice and when I opened my eyes He was gone. But, I was back in bed staring up at summer. I'm groaned at her sight, rolled over and shove my face into a pillow hoping she would just leave me alone. I peaked over to see that she was still on the edge of my bed. she waved at me. I sighed. stretching my whole body still thinking about how vivid bedroom honestly was.

" Lydia, get up already. It's our first defense against the dark arts class and trust me from what I've seen over the years we desperately don't need a mouth from Snape. You know he hates late people." She said frantically.

I laughed looking at summer and she just look awfully confused.

" Snape hate all people summer." I continue to laugh and she join me.

Summer and I grew up together in the same neighborhood. Our mothers work together for the ministry. We honestly were like sisters. We became best friends quick. we are the ones who started the band. When my mother passed away, my father was nowhere to be found. I would've stayed with summer but my mom's final wish was for me to get an education at Hogwarts and live with my aunt Minerva. But even then I was always with summer. We're both in Hufflepuff together. Not a shocker. And, were roommates.

We both smiled at each other and i finally got up.

" looks like you got a good sleep." I smiled back at her remark. I was so happy that we could use magic in the castle because it helped me get dressed way faster. Summer walked out telling me to hurry one last time and that she would wait for me downstairs in the common room. I fixed my hair and put on my Hufflepuff robe. the girls and I made sure we get enough rehearsal time this year so we all had a free period. Always after our first class every other day. Besides that we rehearse on weekends and nights in the room of requirements when everyone was asleep.

At this point, all I had on my mind was Draco. I walked downstairs and we started walking to class since we skipped breakfast. luckily, Huffles loves it always have apples in the colony. I was the man on the way back. Everyone was running, trying not to be late for the classes. we were taking our sweet time.

"So you slept good huh?" She looked at me.

"Yea its been a while since ive had that." I was thinking about the day before when everything happened, but actually nothing happened we shared glances after I confronted him but that was it. No bickering. No argument. No detention. No pushing up against the wall. Just a dream. I was completely in my head.

"Draco huh?" She smirked at me.

I stopped and looked at her in shock.

"How the hell did-" she cut me off.

"You said his name repeatedly in your sleep silly." She smirked again.

" it's ok Your secret is safe with me." She giggled. She pointed to where Draco was standing. She looked back at me and winked. I saw him look at crabbe and then at me. He looked back at crabbe and whispered something in his ear. Crabbe looked at me and smiled. I smiled back. Draco nudged him. He whispered something in dracos ear and Draco looked at me up-and-down with a smirk on his face. Everyone took their seat and there was only one seat left. Next to Pansy Parkinson. I sat next to her. I was behind crabbe who is next to Draco.

I had 'lay all your love on me' stuck in my head. Which got me more lost in it than even paying any attention to the lesson.

"Miss Drake! This is not Karaoke night at the three broomsticks to be singing at an excessively loud volume. Now please if you would shut your mouth and pay attention that would get you farther." I got red out of embarrassment. I looked at Draco who looked back at me and laughed while shaking his head.

Even doing that he was handsome.

"Do you think its amusing Mr. Malfoy?" Snape slammed his hands on his desk making him jump slightly and cringe at the tone of his voice.

I snickered at his childish reaction. Hes scared of snape.

Snape looked at me dead in the eyes.

"Both of you detention after classes."

We argued.

"I have quidditch after classes." Draco complained.

"And i have band practice." I crossed my arms.

"And i have no patience for your childish games. This is not a playground. No excuses both of you here after classes." He said looking at both of us.

He turned back around towards his desk area. "5 points deducted from Slytherin and Hufflepuff."

Everyone groaned. Muttering rude things under their breaths about me and draco. It kind of made me feel uneasy but it didnt matter.

What mattered more right now is how ill act in the same room alone with Draco.

Detention... great. 

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