Memories P2

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"Let me guess? Thinking about Harry?"
I hated Harry. Seriously who did he think he was. Being some clueless wannabe someone who survived the bloody killing curse. Yeah super amazing. Hold on just let me get my wand and see if u can live through it this time. It annoyed me how everyone loved him so much. Funny enough that Draco hated him as much as I did and that's saying a lot.

"I'm obviously not thinking about Harry. How many times do i have to tell you I don't like him." I said pretty loudly and angrily. Everyone looked at me. Draco smiled and winked at me and Harry stood up and left. I felt bad since I really didn't know him and he never knew me. I'm not really one to talk shit about anyone since I keep it all to myself. I'm always nice. But uncle Snape decided to fuck me up today that I just blew it.

The bell rung and I stayed, so did Draco. But he got up and sat next to me as Snape walked out to do something.

"Hello beautiful"

"Wow I'm surprised you even know I still exist"

"I obviously do babe"

"Last time I saw u, we were in Rome and your father kicked me out after finding me in your room. You didn't say anything, you didn't tell him the truth. We were talking and since your so scared of him you didn't have the balls to tell him. So now I'm disowned without a family and your father thinks I'm a slut!"

He looked sad. Really sad. Depressed without sleep. Every time he'd come to the corridors he wouldn't talk to me. We would never speak. Unless I was giving him some stare. He would look at me with a sinister grin on his face after some pug bitch would whisper something in his ear and kiss his cheek. Pansy. That bitch had a way with ruining things. Especially friendships.

"I'm sorry. Truely. For everything this summer"

"What for I don't know, not telling your father the truth since you can't stand up to him like a grown adult. Cmon Draco your almost 19. Stop fearing him. I can stand up to him why can't you?"

"I. I just can't. And I highly doubt you can either"

"What the hell makes you say that?"

"He's changed. A lot. It's nothing. Don't worry about it" he sounded frightened and sad. His father used to be sweet but sarcastic at times. Never ignorant or arrogant. He smiled a lot.


He sighed. I saw a tear roll onto his cheek. He was broken. Was it my fault? I remember when I lived there. Me and Draco would go to the park for hours. Just him and I. We were 15. He'd hide and I would freak out because I thought he got abducted or something and he ran up behind me and grabbed me by the waist and covered my mouth so I wouldn't say anything. He whispered cute sweet nothings in my ear. Sometimes it would be something sexual. And he would kiss my neck gently. He sometimes would get caught in the moment and pull me in closer and held me tighter. He would continue to kiss and bite my neck until he left love bites on me. If not then he would try to dance with me in the middle of the light brown mulch next to  the swings and the bright red slide. We wouldn't have music but he would hum Nocturne, Op.9 No.2 by Chopin and we would waltz around. He made me happy. I was his. All his. He was mine. All mine. We were in love. After what happened in the summer, him and his father and aunt bellatrix left. I would come by to see Narcissa and she would grow dim and dark every time I saw her. It was like she was a beautiful painting that would fade over time if no one took care of it properly. She grew depressed and then said I wasn't allowed to meet with her anymore or any of the Malfoy's. I was completely disowned. Especially by the woman I would call my mother in law. When we got back I didn't see Draco at school often until the end of last year. He would come in with bags under his eyes and with an angry face every single day. One time I didn't go to any of my classes just to see what what wrong. He would enter the Slytherin corridor and didn't come out until he had my uncle Snape. And then after his last class, he would go to Snapes office and he wouldn't come out until dinner and even then he would go back and not go to the corridor till past midnight. I never knew what was going on but it hasn't been a blur. Everything was crystal clear. The only blur was what had happened to him and why is he acting the way he's acting. Now this year, all he wears are black suits or dark forest green suits. It wasn't against the school uniform but he stopped wearing his robe and everything else. I found them all in a garbage once. I took his robe and I use it once in a while. But I don't wear the uniform either. I stick with white blouses or flowery blouses with black pencil skirts. They made my butt look good and I looked sophisticated so I went with it. My uncle wasn't all for it since the skirts are short but he said it had somewhat elegance so he was fine with it.

"She's isn't really happy anymore. No one is"

I got out of my head and back to reality. I felt bad. Terrible. Awful. I wanted to know so bad as to what had happened but he couldn't tell me. Snape walked in.

"I have good news for you both. I must run an... uh... errand with Professor Moody. So you both are free to go. Draco you don't have to come meet me this afternoon. Get some rest."

I heard Draco sigh in relief. I got up and looked at Snape and then turned around. He coughed. I rolled my eyes and turned back around. I walked towards him and gave him a small hug and a kiss on the cheek. He looked up at Draco and then back to me and whispered that he loved me. I smiled and turned around and walked out with Draco. I stopped him for a second and smiled again.


He rolled his eyes and sighed. I remember when I found out. The day I found out Serverus Snape was my uncle. It was a gloomy day but a pretty good one and-

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