To love or to hate Part 1

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Thank you @NiceGachaqueen for this idea. If anyone else has an imagine they want me to write about please leave a message in my inbox.


"Look Goyle its Lina the mudblood." he spit out on me and snickered.

I was really confused as to why he called me by my nickname. He hated me and I hated him. It was ongoing thing between us. He always said something rude and I said something back then hed say something to try to keep me quiet but it never really worked since ive always been called a loud mouth. Then wed exchange mean looks until the class was over. Hed always whisper something to pansy and make her laugh and then id do the same to Harry. There was something off about today. He barely looked at me all day.

"So funny Draco are you even a real blonde or does your daddy make you dye like he makes you do his dirty work" I said back and smirked.

He stopped talking to Goyle and slowly looked at me. He got up and walked towards me. He grabbed the front of my robe and got me extremely close to his face. I stared scared at his ocean blue eyes. He was so much more handsome this close. I then stared at his lips and started to calm down. He got really close and I closed my eyes in fear. He started breathing on my neck and went to whisper something when he groaned and dropped me back down into my chair. He walked back to his chair grabbed his things and walked out which made me more confused. Our professor let us out early and I wanted to go find him. I see him outside and look at him as he looks at me and walks off. I go to follow him but get tugged by someone.

"Hey where are you off to. I thought you wanted to study with me, ron and hermione." Harry smiled at me.

"Yea ill be there soon. I uh just had to go to the restroom really quickly and get a sweater from my room. Ill be there in like 15 minutes. Promise." I weakly smiled right back.

I was much shorter than Harry. He looked in to my brown eyes and smiled at me again. Then he proceeded to touch my long auburn hair and walked away. Ive always liked Harry. Just as a friend though. He confessed his feelings for me last Christmas when the parents were at an adult Christmas party and we played spin the bottle and drank 2 whole bottles of cherry wine that Mrs Weasley kept in bulk in the basement. He kissed me and then threw up all over the carpet and we all got busted. I told him it would've been better for all of us to stay "just friends" he didn't seem to like it real much as he didn't talk to me for a whole month and then did when he decided to have feelings for Ginny.

I saw Draco again and saw him walk towards the Astronomy tower alone. I followed him up the stairs and the door was left open. I walked in and the door slammed behind me.

"WHY ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME?!" Draco said grabbing me by my throat.

I started to cry as I couldn't breathe under his cold fingers. I looked up at him and said one word as best as I could.

"please" his grip weakened and he let go. he looked at him with worry. he looked at my neck as it started to bruise. he turned around and screamed while gripping his hair. he turned back around and pushed me against the wall.

"what the fuck are you doing to me mud- paulina" he stared at me and licked his lips.

"draco please let go of me. I wont tell anyone. just please let me go. youre scaring me." I said.

He looked at his hands and looked back at me and started to cry. then he dropped to his knees.

"why is this so hard. why is it so fucking hard"

part of me wanted to get the hell out of there and leave him but something was holding me back. I dropped down to the floor and just held him. he tried to push me off a few times but after yelling at each other I just said everything was going to be ok. he hugged me and bawled his eyes out. he then stopped crying. he looked at me. he just looked at me.

all these years. he hated me. I hated him but I loved him. I never told a soul. not even my best friends. no one I kept it to myself. he just looked at me. like the look of an injured puppy.

"can you talk to me now?" I weakly smiled at him.

he smiled back the same way. he said nothing. just let more tears fall without making a sound. he closed his eyes and said "I just have to find out. don't hurt me."

he kissed me. it was slow. it was beautiful. his warm beautiful lips on my full lips. there was electricity in my entire body. there were fireworks, there were butterflies and gold smiley face stickers and double and triple rainbows. I felt my gut sink and my heart explode with delight. my first kiss with Draco Lucius Malfoy. I then cried with him. A single tear leaving my eye. he let go.

"why are you crying? was I that bad? I knew this was a mistake." he didn't let me talk and with that he got up and walked out the door.

I ran after him.

"DRACO!!!" I yelled.

he stopped and looked back at me. I smiled and touched my lip. he fixed his black suit and smirked and continued to walk....

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