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Draco Pov:
It's been about a year since I left Hogwarts. Finally finding my way in life without being followed by the Death Eaters. They stopped coming to search for me about 6 months ago.  I guess living with my badass blind grandmother really paid off. It's been very quiet. I can't really find a job anywhere because I get laughed at and thrown out or the Death Eaters find a way to locate and track me down. So I never leave the house anymore. What a way to start a new life huh! Super exhilarating right? WRONG! Last night the worst thing possible happened.

At around 11:30pm, my grandmother was sleeping, there was a quiet knock at the door and a blast of light and wind right after it. Apparition spell I presume. I opened the door and saw absolutely nothing until I heard a small giggle. That wasn't something I heard in a while. But this giggle was softer than faux fur and lighter than a feather on a winter day. It was something beautiful (Have I gone soft?!). I looked down and saw a basket with a pink envelope and my name in cursive. It was a perfect cursive hand writing. The lines were so crisp and clean it could stab someone and the curves were perfectly symmetrical. I didn't know at all who it was. But inside the basket was a girl. A small newborn. That was probably her first laugh and I was probably the first to witness it. It was a life changing laugh. One that could turn Voldemort good. She looked like me. Green eyes, darker, Blonde hair, whiter. I picked up and read the card.

"My beloved Draco, I don't know if you remember your last night at Hogwarts but you said it was one to remember. But that was after you drank your pain away. We had the most beautiful night together, but we weren't protected. Draco, this is Anastasia. She's 3 months old. Take care of her. Because I can't. I have always loved you Draco... but my time has come and I must leave far away and I can't bring her with me. So I beg of you have the lightness in your heart that I've come to see and love and please accept her. Sincerely,....."

Before I could read who it was it started raining and it smudged the ink before I could read who it was. I didn't remember anything from that night. I woke up the next morning in a bush outside the school and was woken up by Hagrid yelling that I was almost late for graduation.

I didn't know what to do. I don't know how to raise a child. I'm a child myself only 19 years old. I still have people possibly plotting my death and the perfect way to find me.

But as I looked into her eyes I realized, "I am Draco Malfoy! I have done plenty of shit I didn't have the balls to do but was forced to do it anyways! I have enough confidence and time on my hands to raise a child because I raised myself! I can do this!"

She giggled.


"I can do this" I said softly. I looked into her eyes once more and smiled. Kissed her forehead and walked back upstairs. I may not know who the mother is but I'm gonna try so hard to be the best father ever.

"Anastasia Malfoy, I like the sound of that"

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