To love or to hate Part 2

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"What's with the apple smell?" I said as I walked into Slughorn's classroom. Draco looked at me. I looked at him. I gave him a small smile. He did the same. "Apples? I smell chocolate" Ron said. 

"Ah I see the potion is more potent today than usual" Slughorn said coming in putting his bag down. 

"I bet you say that every year professor." Hermione said giggling. He laughed with her.

"I suppose you're right Ms. Granger. Can you tell me the name of the potion here?"

She shook her head in confirmation. "Amortentia sir, it is the most powerful love potion in the world. It is distinctive for its mother-of-pearl sheen, and steam rises from the potion in spirals. It smells different to each person, according to what attracts them." 

He smiled. "Correct. Would anyone like to come up and give it a smell." I raised my hand as fast as I could. 

"Lina please come up here." I walked next to him. I looked over at Draco and smiled. 

"I smell wood. Burning wood. Apples. But not the dry red ones. No its the sweet green ones. Leather. Like shoe leather. Hair gel, the one with more alcohol than anything." I giggled. I was in another world. I was completely gone and didn't even realize I was describing Draco Lucius Malfoy perfectly. "A musky deep cologne but not the type to give you a headache. Just a little to smell perfect. Hair bleach-" I laughed.

"Ok Professor Slughorn I think we understand how it works" Draco said. Laughing nervously. Everyone else started making noises. 

I walk back to my seat and hear Goyle say something to Draco.

"You think she was talking about a person? Aren't you in love with Lina Draco? She couldn't have been talking about you because you don't bleach your hair... Do you?"

He nudged him in the chest with his elbow. "Don't you ever shut your trap Goyle or do I have to do it for you every single time?" 

Goyle put his head down and muttered something under his breath. Poor Goyle. 

"Mr. Malfoy, would you like to come up here and tell the class what you smell?" Professor Slughorn insisted. 

"No thank you I can smell the vanilla and nutmeg from the potion from here sir." He said obliviously.

"Uh... Mr. Malfoy. The potion does not call for vanilla or nutmeg." 

He turned red. Everyone in the class turned to each other and started whispering about who Draco was talking about. Or what he was talking about. 

"Are you sure? What about pumpkin? Sunflower oil? Roses?" He started to get angry.

Professor Slughorn looked at him and nodded his head no. 

He groans in frustration gets up and walks out. I stupidly follow. 

"Leave me alone Lina. I don't have time for this right now?"

I looked at him confused.

"What in the bloody hell are you talking about?"

I get in front of him to block him from walking any further. 

"Hey. Draco Malfoy look at me." I smile and grab his hand. He looks up and smiles softly. 

"I promised you I will always be there for you. I keep my promise. Now please can you talk to me?" I rub my thumb against his. His body got tense again. He looked up and over me. He looked at Snape.

"Are you in some kind of trouble?" I said concerned.

"Do you need help? I can try to get you out of something with him if he is the problem Draco" I continued to worry. 

I looked at me and grabbed my wrist. "You don't get it don't you Lina." He was angry now. Not even hurt. He looked hateful. Enraged. 

"I hate you. The person I described in there was Pansy. Not you." It hurt. It hurt so much. 

"You don't even like Pansy. What about the kiss in the Astronomy Tower? The sneaking out to have our dates?" I started to cry. 

"Those weren't dates. Are you really that mental? Why would I ever date you? You come from nothing while I have everything I need and Pansy can give me more than you could ever. You're nothing to me. You never were anything. You shall never be anything. We can't ever possibly be together because that would make me as pathetic as you are and I am a Malfoy. I would never stoop to such a level of indecency." he spat at me.

I was broken. Completely and utterly destroyed and distraught from the words that just came out of Draco's mouth. I fell to the floor. Snape watching me as I crawled to the wall and just sat there lifeless. Dead on the inside but alive on the outside. I was shaking. I was crying hysterically. 

"Professor Slughorn said if you didn't come back inside that he would call the- oh my merlin Lina are you ok?" Hermione said running towards me.

I just looked up at her. Without a word. She was angry. She stormed towards Snape's potions closet where they had walked into. Before she knocked, she overheard what they were saying. 

Draco Pov:
I didn't mean anything I said but I had to so she can stay safe away from me and everything that was supposed to happen this year. She was the light of my life and the only source of happiness that I had but that had to end. I had to let her go. I didn't want her loving the monster that I am. I never wanted this. Any of this. But I was born into it. I can't really turn back now. I can't just not be born. Or else I would've never met the most glorious human being. The perfect witch. The smartest and most gorgeous witch in all of England... no in all of Europe... not even. She was the prettiest in the universe itself. 

I didn't want her anywhere near me when this is going down. When he arrives. Voldemort. Bellatrix. All of them. On their way. To kill Harry. To recruit or kill the ones who won't join him. Me. I have to keep my mouth shut and just go with it. Because it's my family. The only family I have worshipping that awful demon. I just wanted to be normal and I can't even have that.

I'm broken. Completely shattered for what I had done to her. She will understand why afterward. After all this is over. I actually hope Harry wins. So I can be free from him. Free from my family. Free from evil. 

I follow snape into the closet. I start crying. He slaps me.

"Get yourself together Malfoy. You did what you had to do." 

Yea. I love her though. I don't hate her...

...but I did what I had to do.

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