Married Part 2

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"Today I marry you Harry Potter with the intention of loving you until death do us part. You have been my bestest friend since the moment we started speaking and I knew id love you forever." Lie. "Thank you for everything you do. I am so happy with you. I love you so much" Lie.


3 years later...

"You want to get a divorce?" I just looked at him dumbfounded. I cant say I was complaining because ive been fucking Draco Malfoy for 4 and a half years now but I was just confused.

"Ive been cheating on you. With um, Ginny." He looked down.

I honestly saw this coming sooner or later. Maybe I should tell him too. I burst into laughter instead.

"Are you alright? Why are you laughing? I don't think this is funny at all. Im trying to have a serious talk with you Rebecca." he said.


He just looked at me. I looked at him and started laughing again.

"IM SO HUUH SORRY HARRY OH MY LORD. but what did you expect? All those days you were gone. All the days you would take forever at work. YOU WERE SHAGGING GINNY FUCKING WEASLEY AND I HAD HAAAAAAAAAA DRACO MALFOY IN OUR BED. AND MIGHT I ADD. Completely destroying me. Like on Merlin he was better than you. No offense."

He didn't say anything. he just let me continue.

"Im actually waiting for you to go to work so he can come over and almost break the bed again. HA Maybe I should call him and tell him the news."

He looked like he was about to vomit.

"Are you done yet?" he said extremely shaky.

"NO NOT EVEN CLOSE. Wedding night? We slept together. Yoga retreats? With Draco. All the night out with friends? Getting devoured by the enemy. I loved you harry but I stopped. I needed love and attention and Draco gave it to me... and then some. Im so glad youre with Ginny. I should call her and congratulate her."

He was rubbing his eyes.

"Go ahead"

I grabbed my phone and called Draco first and put him on speaker.

"Hello sexy is it time yet? I was just about to take a shower baby or you could come over and we can shower together and do the new thing we tried last week." Draco said seductively.

"As tempting as that sounds I have news Bunny." I say excitingly.

"Do tell?"

"Harry just confessed to sleeping with Ginny isn't that amazing."

"I um yeah baby just wonderful. On second thought, Ill go take that shower and maybe its best if you packed everything and came to live with me." he hangs up.

that was weird.

harry passes his hands on his face.


"oh yea right."

I ring up Ginny.

"Hey Becky I know we haven't seen or spoken to each other in over a year but this isn't a really good time I have to go."

"wait. Harry told me about your affair."

she sounded stressed.

"Affair? I just got married Becky. Im in the hospital."

I was more confused.


She starts to scream. I check her WizardSpace account. She got married last year. Seems happy...

Pregnant. With twins.

She hangs up.

I look at Harry.

"Anything you want to say now Rebecca?"

"You set me up."

"Draco? Really?"


"You look surprised." he laughs.

He gets up and my luggage appears next to me.

"I hope you and Draco are well together. Get out of my house. I don't know why we even got married"

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