Le Voulez-Vous Part 1

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"But Uncle Albus weve been practicing really hard and keeping up with our classes. We really believe in our music." I said. I was scared he was going to say no again and that would be the absolute end of it. He sighed.

"Lydia. Your parents brought you here so your aunt and i can watch over you and make sure your grades are good. You dont need a distraction. Im sorry but im still saying no."

I looked over at my aunt Minerva to see if she could help me out and she smiled at me.

Draco Pov:
I finally see Crabb and Goyle standing by the headmasters office making faces and looking through the door.

"There you two are. Ive been looking all over for you idiots. What the hell are you looking at?" I yelled.

I looked in as well and met with the most glorious hazel eyes. She was stunning. She was angry. The next thing i know the door slams in my face and i hear her let out an annoyed groan. The hell was her god damn problem.

I finally snap out of it and grab the two goons by there collars and throw them forward. "Lets go. Lunch is about to start."

I couldnt really get her out of my head but it didnt matter. She disrespected me. Me. A malfoy.

Lydia Pov:
I hear someone from outside and see who it is. The blonde boy everyone talks about. Im too frustrated right now to deal with an eavesdropper. I take out my wand and shut the door.

"Lydia!" I turn around and see Uncle Albus giving me the look. I groan.

"Albus just give them a chance. Ill watch over them. You heard her. All of them are keeping up with classes perfectly. Believe in her. Let them form the band. Please." She smiled at him.

He paced a few times.

He paced a few more times.

"Youll watch over them?"

We all got less tense. And hugged each other.

"Yes i shall. Ill make sure they keep staying up with their grades but let them be official please." She walked up and grabbed his hand.

He looked at all of us.

Me. Lydia Drake. I was in my 5th year here. Hufflepuff girl all the way. Lead singer. Then there was my 2 besties. Makaila Stellan. Our swedish baby. Gryffindor. 5th year. Our drummer. And then there was Summer Wylde. Year 5 hufflepuff. Lead guitar. And our 2 newest members. Magenta Reeves. Year 4. Ravenclaw. Bass. And finally on keys, Astrid Greene. Year 4 Slytherin.

"We will make you proud. We promise." Magenta said. We all giggle and held hands.

I put my hand out. Then Magenta. Then Makaila. Then Summer and Astrid. Aunt Minerva came in as well and we all looked at Uncle Albus.

"I sure hope so." He put his hand in.

"Well... thats lunch then." Summer said with her strong scottish accent.

We laughed and all walked out. On our walk to the main hall i couldnt stop think about the blonde boy and how i slammed the door in his face. That wasnt how i usually acted. And i acted out of frustration. The girls all looked at me. Makaila pulled me back and asked me what happened. I told her exactly what happened and she told me to apologize if i wanted to.

We walked in with Uncle Albus and Minerva and everyone looked at us. Everyone got quiet and stared.

I can hear the twins from the door.

"So are you official or what?"

We all looked at each other and nodded laughing.

Everyone cheered except most of the slytherin side. Just some girls who were friends with Astrid.

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