As the stars align

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"You think we will ever make it out of here?" Draco and I were by the lake. It was 2am and all the stars were out. We were laying there. Under the big oak tree. He rested his head on my shoulder. We were playing with each other's fingers. He would glance up at me once in a while and kiss my cheek. The heat of his lips against my cold cheek made me shiver due to the temperature change. We looked up at the stars and saw them filling the sky with its bright white gleaming light. It was beautiful. This was the first time me and Draco were alone in a while. He was busy fixing the cabinet of doom as I'd like to call it. Never showing up to class. But always turning work in. He was a great student but also had a job to do. I understood but it pained me to see his coldness come out more and more. His life was changing for the worst at the moment and I couldn't do anything about it. I just had to quietly sit and watch. I had to be the best support system he could possibly have. I didn't mind either. But I wished I could do something about it.

"Drea?" He looked up at me. He seemed worried.

"Hm? Sorry I dozed off." I laughed nervously.

"Are you alright darling?" He stoped playing with my fingers and just held them. I never understood how he can always stay warm. I was freezing. We were laying on a slytherin blanket I received from dumbledore from our first quidditch match win against ravenclaw 2 years ago. He had his over us. But the wind was getting stronger as the night grew longer.

"I'm fine. Just thinking. And to answer your question... I really hope so. I don't think I can handle this immense pressure longer." I started to tear up at the fact that this was dracos life now. I had to practically drag him out of the room of requirements for this small middle of the night date. He was over working himself. Hurting himself. And it was harder with Snape always on him. Yelling at him constantly. Pushing him to keep going. He never gave him a break and it infuriated me. But all the professors and the headmaster were no where to be found tonight. I guess they had an emergency meeting.

I looked back at the lake. And started shaking my leg. I always did that when my anxiety was getting high and I started over thinking. Does he know I'm on his side? Do they all know? Does he talk about it with his family? I love him. I'd do anything to just keep him safe. Does he know that too?

He touched my knee to calm down. I looked at him. He scrunched his eyebrows. I gave him a weak smile and he gave me one back. He leaned in and gave me a slow kiss. It was passionate but not too enticing. I was comfortable with him. He was comfortable with me. I couldn't ask for a better partner. He held my face in his big warm porcelain white hands. He kissed my forehead and pulled me into his chest.

"It's going to be ok my love. As long as the stars align like tonight, we have nothing to worry about" he whispered sweetly.


AN: I'll write more I promise. My computer sucks I can't type at all. So I'm using my phone.  Its a short ass chapter but I like it.

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