Dear Willow Part 2

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Its been a month since I got my letter from my uncle. That night in the astronomy tower with Draco was beautiful. We just talked about everything my uncle has done. We talked about why he doesn't like harry potter and why my uncle doesn't either. It made sense to me. But at the same time, it didn't. I didn't know how to feel everything was changing way too fast.

Me and Draco started seeing each other every day for that month and we still do. We barely see Crabb or Goyle anymore. We would have lunch in the Astronomy Tower and on the weekends we would go down to the candy store and he would buy me candy and ice cream and we would walk and talk about death eaters. 

I got new letters from my uncle every week on Sundays during the day. Draco would bring them to me. Draco and I became best friends. but I felt more than that. way more than that. I felt love. but I couldn't tell how he felt. he wouldn't tell me. but it wasn't like I told him how I felt either. we didn't care. we were just comfortable with each other. he was mean to other students but some part of me just didn't care or mind at all. I hated harry potter, just as much as he did. I met his family last weekend and they loved me. I even dyed my hair like his mothers because it was so beautiful. they all know my uncle and want me to meet him. I'm still scared but I feel more ready more and more every day. 


It's been 3 months since I got my first letter from my uncle Voldemort. He's being a bit pushier now. but I'm still not ready. I'm scared. I finally wrote back to him after 3 months and he says he understands. 

Dear my beautiful niece,

I understand why you are feeling the way you do. This is why I want to just write you letters and learn about you as you are instead of insisting on your presence to me and my followers. I'm sure Draco has told you all about them. When you are ready you shall be welcomed with open arms, my dear child. I shall treat you as my own. My daughter. Not my niece. I hope to one day be close to you as you have become with Draco. he seems very fond of you and I see a great future for you both. write me back soon my willow. you are missed. I shall see you soon enough.


I teared up at his words. can I do this. be there for him. be there by his side with Draco. am I ready to do this? I think so. I do. I shall only wait a little longer. until the perfect time. then I shall see him. the man I will call... father. 


It has been 5 months since I recieved my first letter from my father. It is time that I see him with my boyfriend Draco. I've changed for the better. Today i become his daughter. Today i become one with him. Today i am part of his army. Today i become a death eater. I have always wanted to feel accepted and now I get to be accepted. Have my own family. Be praised by my fathers side. The Dark Lord Voldemort and i shall be The Dark Lady Willow. Daughter of Voldemort. His pride and joy. 

"Draco darling shall we go?" I walked out of the bathroom. I was staying at the manor for the time being during christmas break. I can hear sniffling in the other room. I walk a bit faster towards his room and I see Lucius slap Draco across the face. "She will do this. You better not fail me now boy. We are so close." I walk in.

"Ah my dear Willow don't you look ravishing." Lucius smiled at me. He walked towards me and kissed my hand. "It's almost time for us to go. Draco clean yourself up and meet us downstairs" he commanded. 

Draco got up and looked at me. He wiped the tear off his face and the blood on his lip. He smiled at me. The most weak of smiles. "He's right you know" he chuckled.

"About what? Me needing to see my father or?" he looked down. 

"That too i presume. But no. The part about you looking absolutely breath taking." he came up to me and cupped my face. His hands pale and cold just like the rest of him. He always got this way right before going to see my father. I never knew why. 

"I'm pretty sure he said ravishing, but either way i thank both of you" i forced a smile. I kissed his cheek as a tear fell down my face.

"Tell me right now." i whispered in his ear. He grabbed my shoulders and pushed me back a little having a confused expression on his face.

"Tell me why i shouldn't go see him right now" I cried a bit more. He looked down and looked back up at me. He wiped my tears. 

"I- I cant. If you don't go today... ughhhh" he groaned and turned around.

"If i dont go then what Draco. Tell me. Please." i cried harder.

He grabbed me and hugged me.

"He came in here to tell me that if you didn't go today that I'd have to take you. By force. Only me. Since I am your man." I looked away feeling a bit disgusted. Draco never laid a finger on me in a bad way and he would never dare to unless his father told him to do such horrible things. I understood. My lips were quivering with fear and i bit down into them looking away from draco.

I was wearing white. A white long flowy dress with a navy blue flame pattern running up the dress.

"No need. I want to go." I held my head high and kissed him.

"I will be back. Meet me downstairs ok?" I kissed his cheek once more and he nodded his head once in confirmation. This was it. No turning back now. They want me to be a Riddle. I'll show them i belong. I go back into the room and find my jet black dress. It was off the shoulder. Long sleeve. I grab the black cloak given to me by my father. I change my makeup. Black and silver smokey eye with a bright red lip. I put on my black heels. I hear Lucius.

"Willowmina you don't want to be late my dear. He hates waiting." I smirk in the mirror. "So do I." I get up and walk downstairs. Everyone stares. Even Dobby the house elf. 

Dracos eyes grow wide. "What did you do to my girlfriend?" I keep my cloak up. I smile. 

"Nothing at all. She's just finally who she is meant to be." I look at Lucius and smirk.

"You are definitely his daughter." He smirks at me. Narcissa smiles up at me. 

"Alright dear you will see a few familiar faces but please don't be alarmed. Theyre all on his side." She says. 

I took us a while to get there. I started playing with my fingers and Draco noticed. He held my hand and whispered sweet nothings into my ear to calm me down. By the time we got there i completely forgot what I was worried about. The energy around the place was dark and gloomy. Depressing and full of anger and hatred. But it also felt... like home. 

I walked in slowly. Head down, i still had he cloak up. Dobby and another house elf escorted me to the main room. There were paintings ripped and on the floor. The windows were mostly covered but you can still get some sunlight. There were candles lit everywhere and dripped candle wax on the floor. Next to it, snake skin. I walked a little faster feeling more and more comfortable in this place. I was taken to a larger room in the back of the house. I heard people talking to him. A woman. A couple of men. They stop talking loud and start whispering.

"My lord. She's here" 

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