Everything had changed

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I was no Pansy Parkinson but I was in love with Draco. I've known him since the first year obviously but we never spoke. The third year we did. We became really good friends... or so I thought. I told him a bunch of my secrets, we always skipped Filches class to go to the Astronomy tower and we would act like the bestest of friends. When I told him I loved him in the beginning of the 4th year, things had changed for the worst. He was distant and always nervous. He would get to class late and sometimes he would never even be seen going into the corridors. He ended up being a rat, filthy, demeaning. He told everyone my secrets and told his friends that I slept with one of the teachers for a better grade. All my fourth year, I was called pathetic, desperate, wanting too much attention and a slut. So I went rogue. I would skip most of my classes, always got detentions, always curse in front of my teachers and I even called a dementor into Dumbledores office once. It was hard but I did it anyways. I almost got expelled but I am amazing when it comes to school work and turning it in, even when I'm not there. I get it and turn it in on time. I dated Cedric Diggory for a good 4 months before he left me for Cho Chang. Everyone started to like me again by the 5 year and I was still a bloody badass. Draco would always look at me and smirk and I'd roll my eyes and stick him with the finger. He's sigh and put his head down but I didn't care. When we had our weekly hogsmeade trip I would sometimes drink one too many butterbeers and he would have to take me back to the castle before anyone saw. The last time he did it ended pretty awfully.

"Hehehehe you know know that you my gorgeous friend are really bloody cute and and I wish that you didn't say all the really mean things to me so we could be together haha"

He stopped and looked at me.

"She's just drunk Draco, move on." He said to himself shaking his head.

"She jut dwunk dwaco, moon on blah blah blah. I'm tipsy, there's a difference. And you know that you get the whole truth when someone is drunk. It's like word vomit, except sometimes it comes with real vomit"

He chuckled and cleared his throat. He looked at me and smiled and I did the same to him. I went to lean in for a kiss but we kind of fell off half a flight of stairs and I landed on him. I laughed a bit and he did too. But I passed out after that and never remembered what happened after.

Today, I'm by the black lake behind the slytherin tower and I felt like someone was burning the back of my neck with their eyes. I was smoking a cigarette. (Don't smoke please. It's really not cool at all and it tastes realllllly gross and makes u sad and depressed for the rest of your life not gonna lie) (even though I'm only 17 but it's still really bad) when I turned around and looked up I saw Draco in his room staring at me with a glare of despair and intrigued with what I was doing. I smirked and winked at him before lighting another and he left. I didn't really know what was wrong with him but he was different. The bell rung and I actually went to class. I'm in Slytherin as well and we had Snape for first hour. It took me forever to get there but I made it just in time for attendance.

"Mr Malfoy"


"Miss McQuinnan"

"H-Here sir"

I was out of breath. He looked up from the roster and smirked.

"Haven't seen you in a while Miss McQuinnan"

"That's because I'm always doing something less important to u and more important to me Mr Snape"

"Well, maybe you can clean the astronomy room this afternoon since you now have a detention"

"Doesn't surprise me darling. Not one bit."

Everyone in the room laughed and I looked over at Draco and he smirked and looked down and bit his lip. It was hot. Like really really REALLY hot. But he had to butt in.

"Honestly Serverus I don't think she really deserves it if she's speaking her mind. Just like everyone else can. So why don't you just give her a break?"

Snape turned around. He had snapped.

"That's a detention too for you Mr Malfoy. This afternoon, after dinner, you and miss McQuinnan both are going upstairs and cleaning the astronomy room spotless. Understand?"

"Yes sir."

"Now everyone turn to page 563"


That afternoon was pretty fun. We got to talk. I made him laugh. We spoke and cleaned and cleaned and spoke. It was really good. He promised me to have lunch with me tomorrow by the lake and I agreed.

The next day we had lunch by the lake, he kept looking at me and smiling. He gave me a kiss in the cheek and asked for forgiveness and I gave it to him. A couple weeks later he asked me out to hogsmeade and we went for a beer or 2 at the 3 broomsticks and he asked me to the Yule Ball and I said yes. The night of the Yule Ball we danced all night and had an amazing time. We actually had a real kiss and we both enjoyed it. After that night we spent more time with each other and on the night of my birthday he bought me a ring with a matching necklace and asked me to meet his parents. He parents really loved me and they were honestly really great. We hit it off really well and he asked me to be his girlfriend and gave me a promise ring. I changed earlier that year and I wasn't that rebellious but still had it in me. But he said he loved me for me and regretted not giving me a chance earlier but it was always because things can change and get better. And our relationship is better than ever. That was about 5 years ago. We helped defeat the dark lord and he told me he was a death eater and I was ok with it and that night of his death we got married and moved to Paris with his family. It's been one hell of a ride but I did it all with him.

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