A Friend From Work

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Dean sat uncomfortably before Feragon, his eyes fixed on the massive arena. As Feragon stroked his hair, he tried to focus on Thor. Any moment he would come into the arena. Then he would defeat whatever poor asshole the Grandmaster was pitting against him and they'd be on their way.

"Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?" Feragon asked as he leaned over and inhaled the scent of Dean's skin. He flicked his tongue out and Dean saw that it was forked. It dragged across his neck and up his cheek.

Every instinct within him was screaming for him to rip the tongue out of the man's mouth and then burn a hole through his chest. The weight of the obedience disc against his neck reminded him of the futility of this. "A few times," he murmured angrily.

Feragon laughed. "I find that hard to believe, Sparkle Boy. Your anger does not dampen your beauty. If anything, it enhances it for me. Now then- let's watch this battle. A good battle always gets my blood pumping, if you know what I mean."

Dean shut his eyes in disgust. Yes, he knew exactly was Feragon meant. He consoled himself with fantasies of Thor tearing the lounge apart and redecorating it in Feragon's entrails.

Outside of the lounge, the sounds of thousands of spectators filled the air. Then the Grandmaster utilized holographic technology to project a massive vision of himself into the center of the arena. "Wow! Look at all of you. What a show, WHAT-A-NIGHT! Who's having fun? Please, I'm your host. Big round of applause for all of our undercard competitors... who died so gruesomely. Good sports. What a show! What a night! This is what you've come for and so have I." He paused an listened as the crowd applauded feverishly. "And now, without further ado...it's main event time!"

Dean sat up taller so that he could get a better view.

"Making his first appearance, though he looks quite promising, got a couple of tricks up his sleeve. I'll say no more, see what you think. Ladies and gentlemen...I give to you...Lord of Thunder!"

Dean watched, holding his breath as the doors on the far wall slid open. Thor stepped into the bright lights of the arena and Dean's pulse quickened at the sight of him. He was clad in minimalist armor and covered in weapons. But the most noticeable feature was his newly-cut hair and the stripes of red paint going down his face and neck.

"Thor," Dean whispered as his lover walked to the center of the arena.

"Watch out for his fingers. They make sparks. Not to be confused, of course, with another recent find we uncovered today," Grandmaster said as he looked over at Dean. "Ladies and gentleman, this is our newest prisoner, SPARKLE BOY!"

Thor scowled as the holgraphic image suddenly displayed Dean, dressed in skimpy attire and seated in a submissive position at the feet of Feragon. "Fair One," he gasped. So Loki had been correct after all. He stormed forth and projected his voice so that it was loud enough to compete with the Grandmaster's.

"I won't take part in any battle you set before me until you release Dean!" he roared.

The real Grandmaster looked over at Dean and smirked. "This is too rich a drama to pass up," he announced as he returned his attention to addressing his audience. "As all of you can see, the Lord of Thunder's love is in the possession of my good, slimy pal- Feragon. BUT...if he is able to defeat my champion, I will let the lovers go free!"

The crowd roared in approval.

"Who doesn't love a tragic love story?" Grandmaster asked.

Dean looked out at Thor, who winked confidently at him. It set something in him ablaze. He would not submit to these animals. He would remain strong for Thor.

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