Securing the Commodore

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Thor waited and watched as Loki stood before the security panel beside the door that would take them closer to their destination. As Loki tapped away, entering the codes he spoke of, Thor found himself deep in thought. His brother. Yes, his brother. It didn't matter that he had been adopted all along. That he wasn't Asgardian, even. None of that mattered to Thor. It never did. Loki had been his brother- his first friend- since he was a boy so many years ago. The deception may have marred their relationship, and his most recent actions may have created a rift too deep for them to recover from, but the fact remained that Loki was Thor's brother. Even if Loki himself didn't see it this way. Even if he called Thor his brother in a mocking way. Thor knew in his heart that he would always see Loki as his brother. Because of that, it pained him to think of what needed to be said.

Thor cleared his throat nervously. He dreaded this. "Hey, so listen, we should talk."

Loki looked over his shoulder and raised an eyebrow. "I couldn't disagree with you more. Open communication isn't something our family is known for."

Thor chuckled. "You have no idea. I've had quite the revelation since we spoke last."

The doors slid open, revealing a cluster of guards. Before any of them could properly react to the sight of the brothers, Thor and Loki lifted up Sakaarian rifles and took aim.

"Hello!" Thor bellowed before squeezing the trigger. Using a gun was foreign for him and he would have preferred Mjolnir. But Mjolnir, like Odin, like his relationship with Loki, was dead.

As guards were thrown back by the stream of energy blasts, Loki led Thor through the corridor. "Odin brought us together," he carried on as he fired at the incoming enemies before taking cover behind a wall. "It's almost poetic that his death should split us apart. We might as well be strangers now, you know? 'Two sons of the crown' set adrift."

Thor stepped out of his own cover and blasted the last of the guards before signaling to Loki that they could advance. The door opened and a guard promptly stepped out and aimed at Loki. Thor punched the guard's rifle as it was firing and the blast struck the ground, the impact causing the guard to pop up into the air before quickly falling back to the ground.

"Thought you didn't want to talk about it?" Thor observed coolly.

The two of them entered the elevator and Loki pressed the button that would take them to the hangar. Behind them, a window offered a view of Sakaar's skyline.

"Here's the thing," Loki began. "I'm probably better off staying here on Sakaar."

Thor nodded in agreement. "That's exactly what I was thinking."

Loki paused and looked slowly over at Thor's profile, noting the seriousness he found on there. "Did you just agree with me?"

Thor looked to him and smiled. "This place is perfect for you. It's savage, chaotic, lawless. Brother, you're going to do great here."

Loki chuckled bitterly. "Do you truly think so little of me?"

Thor's smile disappeared and he looked at Loki, really looked at him. The intensity of his eyes made Loki feel uncomfortable and he shifted his feet and looked away. Thor sighed and allowed emotion to flood his words. "Loki, I thought the world of you. That you never saw it is probably the biggest tragedy. You never saw how much I admired and believed in you. How, even with all of your deceit and schemes, I would have given anything just to have my brother back. I thought we were going to fight side by side forever. I saw you as part of the family I want to have with Dean. But, at the end of the day, you're you and I'm me. I don't know, maybe there's still good in you, but let's be honest, our paths diverged a long time ago."

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